ref: 606901dc5da9cb09acb5593c5cf74ce1b52ca6e2
dir: /utils/tc/peep.c/
#include "gc.h" void peep(void) { Reg *r, *r1, *r2; Prog *p, *p1; int t; /* * complete R structure */ t = 0; for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r1) { r1 = r->link; if(r1 == R) break; p = r->prog->link; while(p != r1->prog) switch(p->as) { default: r2 = rega(); r->link = r2; r2->link = r1; r2->prog = p; r2->p1 = r; r->s1 = r2; r2->s1 = r1; r1->p1 = r2; r = r2; t++; case ADATA: case AGLOBL: case ANAME: case ASIGNAME: p = p->link; } } loop1: t = 0; for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link) { p = r->prog; if(p->as == AMOVW || p->as == AMOVF || p->as == AMOVD) if(regtyp(&p->to)) { if(p->from.type == D_CONST) constprop(&p->from, &p->to, r->s1); else if(regtyp(&p->from)) if(p->from.type == p->to.type) { if(copyprop(r)) { excise(r); t++; } else if(subprop(r) && copyprop(r)) { excise(r); t++; } } } } if(t) goto loop1; /* * look for MOVB x,R; MOVB R,R */ for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link) { p = r->prog; switch(p->as) { default: continue; case AEOR: /* * EOR -1,x,y => MVN x,y */ if(p->from.type == D_CONST && p->from.offset == -1) { p->as = AMVN; p->from.type = D_REG; if(p->reg != NREG) p->from.reg = p->reg; else p->from.reg = p->to.reg; p->reg = NREG; } continue; case AMOVH: case AMOVHU: case AMOVB: case AMOVBU: if(p->to.type != D_REG) continue; break; } r1 = r->link; if(r1 == R) continue; p1 = r1->prog; if(p1->as != p->as) continue; if(p1->from.type != D_REG || p1->from.reg != p->to.reg) continue; if(p1->to.type != D_REG || p1->to.reg != p->to.reg) continue; excise(r1); } } void excise(Reg *r) { Prog *p; p = r->prog; p->as = ANOP; p->from = zprog.from; p->to =; p->reg = zprog.reg; /**/ } Reg* uniqp(Reg *r) { Reg *r1; r1 = r->p1; if(r1 == R) { r1 = r->p2; if(r1 == R || r1->p2link != R) return R; } else if(r->p2 != R) return R; return r1; } Reg* uniqs(Reg *r) { Reg *r1; r1 = r->s1; if(r1 == R) { r1 = r->s2; if(r1 == R) return R; } else if(r->s2 != R) return R; return r1; } int regtyp(Adr *a) { if(a->type == D_REG) return 1; if(a->type == D_FREG) return 1; return 0; } /* * the idea is to substitute * one register for another * from one MOV to another * MOV a, R0 * ADD b, R0 / no use of R1 * MOV R0, R1 * would be converted to * MOV a, R1 * ADD b, R1 * MOV R1, R0 * hopefully, then the former or latter MOV * will be eliminated by copy propagation. */ int subprop(Reg *r0) { Prog *p; Adr *v1, *v2; Reg *r; int t; p = r0->prog; v1 = &p->from; if(!regtyp(v1)) return 0; v2 = &p->to; if(!regtyp(v2)) return 0; for(r=uniqp(r0); r!=R; r=uniqp(r)) { if(uniqs(r) == R) break; p = r->prog; switch(p->as) { case ABL: case ABX: return 0; // case ACMP: // case ACMN: case AADD: case ASUB: // case ASLL: // case ASRL: // case ASRA: // case AORR: // case AAND: // case AEOR: // case AMUL: // case ADIV: // case ADIVU: // case ACMPF: // case ACMPD: // case AADDD: // case AADDF: // case ASUBD: // case ASUBF: // case AMULD: // case AMULF: // case ADIVD: // case ADIVF: if(p->to.type == v1->type) if(p->to.reg == v1->reg) { if(p->reg == NREG) p->reg = p->to.reg; goto gotit; } break; case AMOVF: case AMOVD: case AMOVW: if(p->to.type == v1->type) if(p->to.reg == v1->reg) goto gotit; break; case AMOVM: t = 1<<v2->reg; if((p->from.type == D_CONST && (p->from.offset&t)) || (p->to.type == D_CONST && (p->to.offset&t))) return 0; break; } if(copyau(&p->from, v2) || copyau1(p, v2) || copyau(&p->to, v2)) break; if(copysub(&p->from, v1, v2, 0) || copysub1(p, v1, v2, 0) || copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 0)) break; } return 0; gotit: copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 1); if(debug['P']) { print("gotit: %D->%D\n%P", v1, v2, r->prog); if(p->from.type == v2->type) print(" excise"); print("\n"); } for(r=uniqs(r); r!=r0; r=uniqs(r)) { p = r->prog; copysub(&p->from, v1, v2, 1); copysub1(p, v1, v2, 1); copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 1); if(debug['P']) print("%P\n", r->prog); } t = v1->reg; v1->reg = v2->reg; v2->reg = t; if(debug['P']) print("%P last\n", r->prog); return 1; } /* * The idea is to remove redundant copies. * v1->v2 F=0 * (use v2 s/v2/v1/)* * set v1 F=1 * use v2 return fail * ----------------- * v1->v2 F=0 * (use v2 s/v2/v1/)* * set v1 F=1 * set v2 return success */ int copyprop(Reg *r0) { Prog *p; Adr *v1, *v2; Reg *r; p = r0->prog; v1 = &p->from; v2 = &p->to; if(copyas(v1, v2)) return 1; for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link) r->active = 0; return copy1(v1, v2, r0->s1, 0); } int copy1(Adr *v1, Adr *v2, Reg *r, int f) { int t; Prog *p; if(r->active) { if(debug['P']) print("act set; return 1\n"); return 1; } r->active = 1; if(debug['P']) print("copy %D->%D f=%d\n", v1, v2, f); for(; r != R; r = r->s1) { p = r->prog; if(debug['P']) print("%P", p); if(!f && uniqp(r) == R) { f = 1; if(debug['P']) print("; merge; f=%d", f); } t = copyu(p, v2, A); switch(t) { case 2: /* rar, cant split */ if(debug['P']) print("; %Drar; return 0\n", v2); return 0; case 3: /* set */ if(debug['P']) print("; %Dset; return 1\n", v2); return 1; case 1: /* used, substitute */ case 4: /* use and set */ if(f) { if(!debug['P']) return 0; if(t == 4) print("; %Dused+set and f=%d; return 0\n", v2, f); else print("; %Dused and f=%d; return 0\n", v2, f); return 0; } if(copyu(p, v2, v1)) { if(debug['P']) print("; sub fail; return 0\n"); return 0; } if(debug['P']) print("; sub%D/%D", v2, v1); if(t == 4) { if(debug['P']) print("; %Dused+set; return 1\n", v2); return 1; } break; } if(!f) { t = copyu(p, v1, A); if(!f && (t == 2 || t == 3 || t == 4)) { f = 1; if(debug['P']) print("; %Dset and !f; f=%d", v1, f); } } if(debug['P']) print("\n"); if(r->s2) if(!copy1(v1, v2, r->s2, f)) return 0; } return 1; } /* * The idea is to remove redundant constants. * $c1->v1 * ($c1->v2 s/$c1/v1)* * set v1 return * The v1->v2 should be eliminated by copy propagation. */ void constprop(Adr *c1, Adr *v1, Reg *r) { Prog *p; if(debug['C']) print("constprop %D->%D\n", c1, v1); for(; r != R; r = r->s1) { p = r->prog; if(debug['C']) print("%P", p); if(uniqp(r) == R) { if(debug['C']) print("; merge; return\n"); return; } if(p->as == AMOVW && copyas(&p->from, c1)) { if(debug['C']) print("; sub%D/%D", &p->from, v1); p->from = *v1; } else if(copyu(p, v1, A) > 1) { if(debug['C']) print("; %Dset; return\n", v1); return; } if(debug['C']) print("\n"); if(r->s2) constprop(c1, v1, r->s2); } } /* * return * 1 if v only used (and substitute), * 2 if read-alter-rewrite * 3 if set * 4 if set and used * 0 otherwise (not touched) */ int copyu(Prog *p, Adr *v, Adr *s) { switch(p->as) { default: if(debug['P']) print(" (?)"); return 2; case AMOVM: if(v->type != D_REG) return 0; if(p->from.type == D_CONST) { /* read reglist, read/rar */ if(s != A) { if(p->from.offset&(1<<v->reg)) return 1; if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1)) diag(Z, "movm dst being replaced"); // was return 1; return 0; } if(copyau(&p->to, v)) return 2; // register updated in thumb // was return 1; if(p->from.offset&(1<<v->reg)) return 1; } else { /* read/rar, write reglist */ if(s != A) { if(p->to.offset&(1<<v->reg)) return 1; if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1)) diag(Z, "movm src being replaced"); // was return 1; return 0; } if(copyau(&p->from, v)) { // if(p->to.offset&(1<<v->reg)) // return 4; return 2; // register updated in thumb // was return 1; } if(p->to.offset&(1<<v->reg)) return 3; } return 0; case ANOP: /* read, write */ case AMOVW: case AMOVF: case AMOVD: case AMOVH: case AMOVHU: case AMOVB: case AMOVBU: case AMOVDW: case AMOVWD: case AMOVFD: case AMOVDF: if(s != A) { if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1)) return 1; if(!copyas(&p->to, v)) if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1)) return 1; return 0; } if(copyas(&p->to, v)) { if(copyau(&p->from, v)) return 4; return 3; } if(copyau(&p->from, v)) return 1; if(copyau(&p->to, v)) return 1; return 0; case ASLL: case ASRL: case ASRA: case AORR: case AAND: case AEOR: case AMUL: case ADIV: case ADIVU: case AADDF: case AADDD: case ASUBF: case ASUBD: case AMULF: case AMULD: case ADIVF: case ADIVD: case ACMPF: case ACMPD: case ACMP: case ACMN: if(copyas(&p->to, v)) return 2; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case AADD: /* read, read, write */ case ASUB: if(s != A) { if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1)) return 1; if(copysub1(p, v, s, 1)) return 1; if(!copyas(&p->to, v)) if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1)) return 1; return 0; } if(copyas(&p->to, v)) { if(p->reg == NREG) p->reg = p->to.reg; if(copyau(&p->from, v)) return 4; if(copyau1(p, v)) return 4; return 3; } if(copyau(&p->from, v)) return 1; if(copyau1(p, v)) return 1; if(copyau(&p->to, v)) return 1; return 0; case ABEQ: /* read, read */ case ABNE: case ABCS: case ABHS: case ABCC: case ABLO: case ABMI: case ABPL: case ABVS: case ABVC: case ABHI: case ABLS: case ABGE: case ABLT: case ABGT: case ABLE: if(s != A) { if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1)) return 1; return copysub1(p, v, s, 1); } if(copyau(&p->from, v)) return 1; if(copyau1(p, v)) return 1; return 0; case AB: /* funny */ if(s != A) { if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1)) return 1; return 0; } if(copyau(&p->to, v)) return 1; return 0; case ARET: /* funny */ if(v->type == D_REG) if(v->reg == REGRET) return 2; if(v->type == D_FREG) if(v->reg == FREGRET) return 2; case ABL: /* funny */ case ABX: if(v->type == D_REG) { if(v->reg <= REGEXT && v->reg > exregoffset) return 2; if(v->reg == REGARG) return 2; } if(v->type == D_FREG) if(v->reg <= FREGEXT && v->reg > exfregoffset) return 2; if(s != A) { if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1)) return 1; return 0; } if(copyau(&p->to, v)) return 4; return 3; case ATEXT: /* funny */ if(v->type == D_REG) if(v->reg == REGARG) return 3; return 0; } /* not reached */ } int a2type(Prog *p) { switch(p->as) { case ACMP: case ACMN: case AADD: case ASUB: case ASLL: case ASRL: case ASRA: case AORR: case AAND: case AEOR: case AMUL: case ADIV: case ADIVU: return D_REG; case ACMPF: case ACMPD: case AADDF: case AADDD: case ASUBF: case ASUBD: case AMULF: case AMULD: case ADIVF: case ADIVD: return D_FREG; } return D_NONE; } /* * direct reference, * could be set/use depending on * semantics */ int copyas(Adr *a, Adr *v) { if(regtyp(v)) { if(a->type == v->type) if(a->reg == v->reg) return 1; } else if(v->type == D_CONST) { /* for constprop */ if(a->type == v->type) if(a->name == v->name) if(a->sym == v->sym) if(a->reg == v->reg) if(a->offset == v->offset) return 1; } return 0; } /* * either direct or indirect */ int copyau(Adr *a, Adr *v) { if(copyas(a, v)) return 1; if(v->type == D_REG) { if(a->type == D_OREG) { if(v->reg == a->reg) return 1; } } return 0; } int copyau1(Prog *p, Adr *v) { if(regtyp(v)) { if(a2type(p) == v->type) if(p->reg == v->reg) { if(a2type(p) != v->type) print("botch a2type %P\n", p); return 1; } } return 0; } /* * substitute s for v in a * return failure to substitute */ int copysub(Adr *a, Adr *v, Adr *s, int f) { if(f) if(copyau(a, v)) { a->reg = s->reg; } return 0; } int copysub1(Prog *p1, Adr *v, Adr *s, int f) { if(f) if(copyau1(p1, v)) p1->reg = s->reg; return 0; }