ref: 4bc20df7142ce5e02c7fb49a33eefdc7715ff726
dir: /appl/cmd/auxi/pcmcia.b/
implement Pcmcia; # # Copyright © 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. # Revisions Copyright © 2001-2003 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; print, fprint: import sys; include "draw.m"; Pcmcia: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; End: con 16rFF; fd: ref Sys->FD; stderr: ref Sys->FD; pos := 0; hex := 0; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); if(args != nil) args = tl args; if(args != nil && hd args == "-x"){ hex = 1; args = tl args; } file := "#y/pcm0attr"; if(args != nil) file = hd args; fd = sys->open(file, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", file)); for(next := 0; next >= 0;) next = dtuple(next); } fatal(s: string) { fprint(stderr, "pcmcia: %s\n", s); raise "fail:error"; } readc(): int { x := array[1] of byte; sys->seek(fd, big(2*pos), 0); pos++; rv := sys->read(fd, x, 1); if(rv != 1){ if(rv < 0) sys->print("readc err: %r\n"); return -1; } v := int x[0]; if(hex) print("%2.2ux ", v); return v; } dtuple(next: int): int { pos = next; if((ttype := readc()) < 0) return -1; if(ttype == End) return -1; if((link := readc()) < 0) return -1; case ttype { * => print("unknown tuple type #%2.2ux\n", ttype); 16r01 => tdevice(ttype, link); 16r15 => tvers1(ttype, link); 16r17 => tdevice(ttype, link); 16r1A => tcfig(ttype, link); 16r1B => tentry(ttype, link); } if(link == End) next = -1; else next = next+2+link; return next; } speedtab := array[16] of { 0 => 0, 1 => 250, 2 => 200, 3 => 150, 4 => 100, }; mantissa := array[16] of { 1 => 10, 2 => 12, 3 => 13, 4 => 15, 5 => 20, 6 => 25, 7 => 30, 8 => 35, 9 => 40, 10=> 45, 11=> 50, 12=> 55, 13=> 60, 14=> 70, 15=> 80, }; exponent := array[] of { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, }; typetab := array [256] of { 1=> "Masked ROM", 2=> "PROM", 3=> "EPROM", 4=> "EEPROM", 5=> "FLASH", 6=> "SRAM", 7=> "DRAM", 16rD=> "IO+MEM", * => "Unknown", }; getlong(size: int): int { x := 0; for(i := 0; i < size; i++){ if((c := readc()) < 0) break; x |= c<<(i*8); } return x; } tdevice(dtype: int, tlen: int) { while(tlen > 0){ if((id := readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; if(id == End) return; speed := id & 16r7; ns := 0; if(speed == 16r7){ if((speed = readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; if(speed & 16r80){ if((aespeed := readc()) < 0) return; ns = 0; } else ns = (mantissa[(speed>>3)&16rF]*exponent[speed&7])/10; } else ns = speedtab[speed]; ttype := id>>4; if(ttype == 16rE){ if((ttype = readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; } tname := typetab[ttype]; if(tname == nil) tname = "unknown"; if((size := readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; bytes := ((size>>3)+1) * 512 * (1<<(2*(size&16r7))); ttname := "attr device"; if(dtype == 1) ttname = "device"; print("%s %d bytes of %dns %s\n", ttname, bytes, ns, tname); } } tvers1(nil: int, tlen: int) { if((major := readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; if((minor := readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; print("version %d.%d\n", major, minor); while(tlen > 0){ s := ""; while(tlen > 0){ if((c := readc()) < 0) return; tlen--; if(c == 0) break; if(c == End){ if(s != "") print("\t%s<missing null>\n", s); return; } s[len s] = c; } print("\t%s\n", s); } } tcfig(nil: int, nil: int) { if((size := readc()) < 0) return; rasize := (size&16r3) + 1; rmsize := ((size>>2)&16rf) + 1; if((last := readc()) < 0) return; caddr := getlong(rasize); cregs := getlong(rmsize); print("configuration registers at"); for(i := 0; i < 16; i++) if((1<<i) & cregs) print(" (%d) #%ux", i, caddr + i*2); print("\n"); } intrname := array[16] of { 0 => "memory", 1 => "I/O", 4 => "Custom 0", 5 => "Custom 1", 6 => "Custom 2", 7 => "Custom 3", * => "unknown" }; vexp := array[8] of { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000 }; vmant := array[16] of { 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, }; volt(name: string) { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; exp := vexp[c&16r7]; microv := vmant[(c>>3)&16rf]*exp; while(c & 16r80){ if((c = readc()) < 0) return; case c { 16r7d => break; # high impedence when sleeping 16r7e or 16r7f => microv = 0; # no connection * => exp /= 10; microv += exp*(c&16r7f); } } print(" V%s %duV", name, microv); } amps(name: string) { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; amps := vexp[c&16r7]*vmant[(c>>3)&16rf]; while(c & 16r80){ if((c = readc()) < 0) return; if(c == 16r7d || c == 16r7e || c == 16r7f) amps = 0; } if(amps >= 1000000) print(" I%s %dmA", name, amps/100000); else if(amps >= 1000) print(" I%s %duA", name, amps/100); else print(" I%s %dnA", name, amps*10); } power(name: string) { print("\t%s: ", name); if((feature := readc()) < 0) return; if(feature & 1) volt("nominal"); if(feature & 2) volt("min"); if(feature & 4) volt("max"); if(feature & 8) amps("static"); if(feature & 16r10) amps("avg"); if(feature & 16r20) amps("peak"); if(feature & 16r40) amps("powerdown"); print("\n"); } ttiming(name: string, scale: int) { if((unscaled := readc()) < 0) return; scaled := (mantissa[(unscaled>>3)&16rf]*exponent[unscaled&7])/10; scaled = scaled * vexp[scale]; print("\t%s %dns\n", name, scaled); } timing() { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; i := c&16r3; if(i != 3) ttiming("max wait", i); i = (c>>2)&16r7; if(i != 7) ttiming("max ready/busy wait", i); i = (c>>5)&16r7; if(i != 7) ttiming("reserved wait", i); } range(asize: int, lsize: int) { address := getlong(asize); alen := getlong(lsize); print("\t\t%ux - %ux\n", address, address+alen); } ioaccess := array[] of { 0 => " no access", 1 => " 8bit access only", 2 => " 8bit or 16bit access", 3 => " selectable 8bit or 8&16bit access", }; iospace(c: int): int { print("\tIO space %d address lines%s\n", c&16r1f, ioaccess[(c>>5)&3]); if((c & 16r80) == 0) return -1; if((c = readc()) < 0) return -1; for(i := (c&16rf)+1; i; i--) range((c>>4)&16r3, (c>>6)&16r3); return 0; } iospaces() { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; iospace(c); } irq() { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; irqs: int; if(c & 16r10){ if((irq1 := readc()) < 0) return; if((irq2 := readc()) < 0) return; irqs = irq1|(irq2<<8); } else irqs = 1<<(c&16rf); level := ""; if(c & 16r20) level = " level"; pulse := ""; if(c & 16r40) pulse = " pulse"; shared := ""; if(c & 16r80) shared = " shared"; print("\tinterrupts%s%s%s", level, pulse, shared); for(i := 0; i < 16; i++) if(irqs & (1<<i)) print(", %d", i); print("\n"); } memspace(asize: int, lsize: int, host: int) { alen := getlong(lsize)*256; address := getlong(asize)*256; if(host){ haddress := getlong(asize)*256; print("\tmemory address range #%ux - #%ux hostaddr #%ux\n", address, address+alen, haddress); } else print("\tmemory address range #%ux - #%ux\n", address, address+alen); } misc() { } tentry(nil: int, nil: int) { if((c := readc()) < 0) return; def := ""; if(c & 16r40) def = " (default)"; print("configuration %d%s\n", c&16r3f, def); if(c & 16r80){ if((i := readc()) < 0) return; tname := intrname[i & 16rf]; if(tname == "") tname = sys->sprint("type %d", i & 16rf); attrib := ""; if(i & 16r10) attrib += " Battery status active"; if(i & 16r20) attrib += " Write Protect active"; if(i & 16r40) attrib += " Ready/Busy active"; if(i & 16r80) attrib += " Memory Wait required"; print("\t%s device, %s\n", tname, attrib); } if((feature := readc()) < 0) return; case feature&16r3 { 1 => power("Vcc"); 2 => power("Vcc"); power("Vpp"); 3 => power("Vcc"); power("Vpp1"); power("Vpp2"); } if(feature&16r4) timing(); if(feature&16r8) iospaces(); if(feature&16r10) irq(); case (feature>>5)&16r3 { 1 => memspace(0, 2, 0); 2 => memspace(2, 2, 0); 3 => if((c = readc()) < 0) return; for(i := 0; i <= (c&16r7); i++) memspace((c>>5)&16r3, (c>>3)&16r3, c&16r80); break; } if(feature&16r80) misc(); }