ref: 43de7b8419fa3582af6df803473ef1bde2ce5c23
dir: /module/html.m/
HTML: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/html.dis"; Lex: adt { tag: int; text: string; # text in Data, attribute text in tag attr: list of Attr; }; Attr: adt { name: string; value: string; }; # sorted in lexical order; used as array indices Notfound, Ta, Taddress, Tapplet, Tarea, Tatt_footer, Tb, Tbase, Tbasefont, Tbig, Tblink, Tblockquote, Tbody, Tbq, Tbr, Tcaption, Tcenter, Tcite, Tcode, Tcol, Tcolgroup, Tdd, Tdfn, Tdir, Tdiv, Tdl, Tdt, Tem, Tfont, Tform, Tframe, Tframeset, Th1, Th2, Th3, Th4, Th5, Th6, Thead, Thr, Thtml, Ti, Timg, Tinput, Tisindex, Titem, Tkbd, Tli, Tlink, Tmap, Tmenu, Tmeta, Tnobr, Tnoframes, Tol, Toption, Tp, Tparam, Tpre, Tq, Tsamp, Tscript, Tselect, Tsmall, Tstrike, Tstrong, Tstyle, Tsub, Tsup, Tt, Ttable, Ttbody, Ttd, Ttextarea, Ttextflow, Ttfoot, Tth, Tthead, Ttitle, Ttr, Ttt, Tu, Tul, Tvar : con iota; RBRA: con 1000; Data: con 2000; Latin1, UTF8: con iota; # charsets lex: fn(b: array of byte, charset: int, keepnls: int): array of ref Lex; attrvalue: fn(attr: list of Attr, name: string): (int, string); globalattr: fn(html: array of ref Lex, tag: int, attr: string): (int, string); isbreak: fn(h: array of ref Lex, i: int): int; lex2string: fn(l: ref Lex): string; };