ref: 43de7b8419fa3582af6df803473ef1bde2ce5c23
dir: /module/crypt.m/
# # basic cryptography routines implemented in C # Crypt: module { PATH: con "$Crypt"; # state held while creating digests DigestState: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden copy: fn(d: self ref DigestState): ref DigestState; }; # expanded AES key + state for chaining AESstate: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden }; # expanded DES key + state for chaining DESstate: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden }; # expanded IDEA key + state for chaining IDEAstate: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden }; # expanded RC4 key + encryption state RC4state: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden }; # expanded Blowfish key + state for chaining BFstate: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # all the state is hidden }; # digests sha1: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; sha224: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; sha256: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; sha384: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; sha512: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; md4: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; md5: fn(buf: array of byte, n: int, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; hmac_sha1: fn(data: array of byte, n: int, key: array of byte, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; hmac_md5: fn(data: array of byte, n: int, key: array of byte, digest: array of byte, state: ref DigestState): ref DigestState; SHA1dlen: con 20; SHA224dlen: con 28; SHA256dlen: con 32; SHA384dlen: con 48; SHA512dlen: con 64; MD5dlen: con 16; MD4dlen: con 16; # encryption interfaces Encrypt: con 0; Decrypt: con 1; AESbsize: con 16; aessetup: fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref AESstate; aescbc: fn(state: ref AESstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); DESbsize: con 8; dessetup: fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref DESstate; desecb: fn(state: ref DESstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); descbc: fn(state: ref DESstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); IDEAbsize: con 8; ideasetup: fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref IDEAstate; ideaecb: fn(state: ref IDEAstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); ideacbc: fn(state: ref IDEAstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); BFbsize: con 8; blowfishsetup: fn(key: array of byte, ivec: array of byte): ref BFstate; # blowfishecb: fn(state: ref BFstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); blowfishcbc: fn(state: ref BFstate, buf: array of byte, n: int, direction: int); rc4setup: fn(seed: array of byte): ref RC4state; rc4: fn(state: ref RC4state, buf: array of byte, n: int); rc4skip: fn(state: ref RC4state, n: int); rc4back: fn(state: ref RC4state, n: int); # create an alpha and p for diffie helman exchanges dhparams: fn(nbits: int): (ref IPints->IPint, ref IPints->IPint); # public key PK: adt { pick { RSA => n: ref IPints->IPint; # modulus ek: ref IPints->IPint; # exp (encryption key) Elgamal => p: ref IPints->IPint; # modulus alpha: ref IPints->IPint; # generator key: ref IPints->IPint; # encryption key (alpha**secret mod p) DSA => p: ref IPints->IPint; # modulus q: ref IPints->IPint; # group order, q divides p-1 alpha: ref IPints->IPint; # group generator key: ref IPints->IPint; # encryption key (alpha**secret mod p) } }; # secret key (private/public key pair) SK: adt { pick { RSA => pk: ref PK.RSA; dk: ref IPints->IPint; # exp (decryption key) p: ref IPints->IPint; # q in pkcs q: ref IPints->IPint; # p in pkcs # precomputed crt values kp: ref IPints->IPint; # k mod p-1 kq: ref IPints->IPint; # k mod q-1 c2: ref IPints->IPint; # for converting residues to number Elgamal => pk: ref PK.Elgamal; secret: ref IPints->IPint; # decryption key DSA => pk: ref PK.DSA; secret: ref IPints->IPint; # decryption key } }; # public key signature PKsig: adt { # could just have list or array of ref IPints->IPint pick { RSA => n: ref IPints->IPint; Elgamal => r: ref IPints->IPint; s: ref IPints->IPint; DSA => r: ref IPints->IPint; s: ref IPints->IPint; } }; # RSA keys rsagen: fn(nlen: int, elen: int, nrep: int): ref SK.RSA; rsafill: fn(n: ref IPints->IPint, ek: ref IPints->IPint, dk: ref IPints->IPint, p: ref IPints->IPint, q: ref IPints->IPint): ref SK.RSA; rsadecrypt: fn(k: ref SK.RSA, m: ref IPints->IPint): ref IPints->IPint; rsaencrypt: fn(k: ref PK.RSA, m: ref IPints->IPint): ref IPints->IPint; # Elgamal eggen: fn(nlen: int, nrep: int): ref SK.Elgamal; # DSA dsagen: fn(oldpk: ref PK.DSA): ref SK.DSA; # generic signature functions genSK: fn(algname: string, length: int): ref SK; genSKfromPK: fn(pk: ref PK): ref SK; sign: fn(sk: ref SK, m: ref IPints->IPint): ref PKsig; verify: fn(pk: ref PK, sig: ref PKsig, m: ref IPints->IPint): int; sktopk: fn(sk: ref SK): ref PK; };