ref: 41e27b2d10c6a60c49931332e8677438736a1e36
dir: /utils/c2l/com.c/
#include "cc.h" void complex(Node *n) { if(n == Z) return; nearln = n->lineno; if(tcom(n)) return; ccom(n); acom(n); } /* * evaluate types * evaluate lvalues (addable == 1) */ enum { ADDROF = 1<<0, CASTOF = 1<<1, ADDROP = 1<<2, }; int tcom(Node *n) { return tcomo(n, ADDROF); } int tcomo(Node *n, int f) { Node *l, *r; Type *t; int o; if(n == Z) { diag(Z, "Z in tcom"); errorexit(); } l = n->left; r = n->right; switch(n->op) { default: diag(n, "unknown op in type complex: %O", n->op); goto bad; case ODOTDOT: /* * tcom has already been called on this subtree */ *n = *n->left; if(n->type == T) goto bad; break; case OCAST: if(n->type == T) break; if(n->type->width == types[TLONG]->width) { if(tcomo(l, ADDROF|CASTOF)) goto bad; } else if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, n->type, tcast)) goto bad; break; case ORETURN: if(l == Z) { if(n->type->etype != TVOID) warn(n, "null return of a typed function"); break; } if(tcom(l)) goto bad; typeext(n->type, l); if(tcompat(n, n->type, l->type, tasign)) break; constas(n, n->type, l->type); if(!sametype(n->type, l->type)) { l = new1(OCAST, l, Z); l->type = n->type; n->left = l; } break; case OASI: /* same as as, but no test for const */ n->op = OAS; o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext(l->type, r); if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tasign)) goto bad; if(!sametype(l->type, r->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, r, Z); r->type = l->type; n->right = r; } n->type = l->type; break; case OAS: case OASD: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext(l->type, r); if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tasign)) goto bad; constas(n, l->type, r->type); if(!sametype(l->type, r->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, r, Z); r->type = l->type; n->right = r; } n->type = l->type; break; case OASADD: case OASSUB: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext1(l->type, r); if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tasadd)) goto bad; constas(n, l->type, r->type); t = l->type; arith(n, 0); while(n->left->op == OCAST) n->left = n->left->left; if(!sametype(t, n->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, n->right, Z); r->type = t; n->right = r; n->type = t; } break; case OASMUL: case OASLMUL: case OASDIV: case OASLDIV: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext1(l->type, r); if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tmul)) goto bad; constas(n, l->type, r->type); t = l->type; arith(n, 0); while(n->left->op == OCAST) n->left = n->left->left; if(!sametype(t, n->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, n->right, Z); r->type = t; n->right = r; n->type = t; } if(typeu[n->type->etype]) { if(n->op == OASDIV) n->op = OASLDIV; if(n->op == OASMUL) n->op = OASLMUL; } break; case OASLSHR: case OASASHR: case OASASHL: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tand)) goto bad; n->type = l->type; if(typeu[n->type->etype]) { if(n->op == OASASHR) n->op = OASLSHR; } break; case OASMOD: case OASLMOD: case OASOR: case OASAND: case OASXOR: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tand)) goto bad; t = l->type; arith(n, 0); while(n->left->op == OCAST) n->left = n->left->left; if(!sametype(t, n->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, n->right, Z); r->type = t; n->right = r; n->type = t; } if(typeu[n->type->etype]) { if(n->op == OASMOD) n->op = OASLMOD; } break; case OPREINC: case OPREDEC: case OPOSTINC: case OPOSTDEC: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tlvalue(l) || tcompat(n, l->type, types[TINT], tadd)) goto bad; n->type = l->type; if(n->type->etype == TIND) if(n->type->link->width < 1) diag(n, "inc/dec of a void pointer"); break; case OEQ: case ONE: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext(l->type, r); typeext(r->type, l); if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, trel)) goto bad; arith(n, 0); n->type = types[TINT]; break; case OLT: case OGE: case OGT: case OLE: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; typeext1(l->type, r); typeext1(r->type, l); if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, trel)) goto bad; arith(n, 0); if(typeu[n->type->etype]) n->op = logrel[relindex(n->op)]; n->type = types[TINT]; break; case OCOND: o = tcom(l); o |= tcom(r->left); if(o | tcom(r->right)) goto bad; if(r->right->type->etype == TIND && vconst(r->left) == 0) { r->left->type = r->right->type; r->left->vconst = 0; } if(r->left->type->etype == TIND && vconst(r->right) == 0) { r->right->type = r->left->type; r->right->vconst = 0; } if(sametype(r->right->type, r->left->type)) { r->type = r->right->type; n->type = r->type; break; } if(tcompat(r, r->left->type, r->right->type, trel)) goto bad; arith(r, 0); n->type = r->type; break; case OADD: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tadd)) goto bad; arith(n, 1); break; case OSUB: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tsub)) goto bad; arith(n, 1); break; case OMUL: case OLMUL: case ODIV: case OLDIV: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tmul)) goto bad; arith(n, 1); if(typeu[n->type->etype]) { if(n->op == ODIV) n->op = OLDIV; if(n->op == OMUL) n->op = OLMUL; } break; case OLSHR: case OASHL: case OASHR: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tand)) goto bad; n->right = Z; arith(n, 1); n->right = new1(OCAST, r, Z); n->right->type = types[TINT]; if(typeu[n->type->etype]) if(n->op == OASHR) n->op = OLSHR; break; case OAND: case OOR: case OXOR: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tand)) goto bad; arith(n, 1); break; case OMOD: case OLMOD: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, l->type, r->type, tand)) goto bad; arith(n, 1); if(typeu[n->type->etype]) n->op = OLMOD; break; case ONOT: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tnot)) goto bad; n->type = types[TINT]; break; case OPOS: case ONEG: case OCOM: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; n->type = l->type; break; case ONUL: break; case OIOTA: n->type = types[TINT]; break; case ODAS: n->type = n->left->type; break; case OANDAND: case OOROR: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tnot) | tcompat(n, T, r->type, tnot)) goto bad; n->type = types[TINT]; break; case OCOMMA: o = tcom(l); if(o | tcom(r)) goto bad; n->type = r->type; break; case OSIGN: /* extension signof(type) returns a hash */ if(l != Z) { if(l->op != OSTRING && l->op != OLSTRING) if(tcomo(l, 0)) goto bad; if(l->op == OBIT) { diag(n, "signof bitfield"); goto bad; } n->type = l->type; } if(n->type == T) goto bad; if(n->type->width < 0) { diag(n, "signof undefined type"); goto bad; } n->right = ncopy(n); n->op = OCONST; n->left = Z; /* n->right = Z; */ n->vconst = convvtox(signature(n->type, 10), TULONG); n->type = types[TULONG]; break; case OSIZE: if(l != Z) { if(l->op != OSTRING && l->op != OLSTRING) if(tcomo(l, 0)) goto bad; if(l->op == OBIT) { diag(n, "sizeof bitfield"); goto bad; } n->type = l->type; } if(n->type == T) goto bad; if(n->type->width <= 0) { diag(n, "sizeof undefined type"); goto bad; } if(n->type->etype == TFUNC) { diag(n, "sizeof function"); goto bad; } n->right = ncopy(n); n->op = OCONST; n->left = Z; /* n->right = Z; */ n->vconst = convvtox(n->type->width, TINT); n->type = types[TINT]; break; case OFUNC: o = tcomo(l, 0); if(o) goto bad; if(l->type->etype == TIND && l->type->link->etype == TFUNC) { l = new1(OIND, l, Z); l->type = l->left->type->link; n->left = l; } if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tfunct)) goto bad; if(o | tcoma(l, r, l->type->down, 1)) goto bad; n->type = l->type->link; if(1) if(l->type->down == T || l->type->down->etype == TOLD) { nerrors--; diag(n, "function args not checked: %F", l); } dpcheck(n); break; case ONAME: if(n->type == T) { diag(n, "name not declared: %F", n); goto bad; } if(n->type->etype == TENUM) { if(n->sym->tenum->etype == TIND){ /* n->op = OSTRING; */ n->type = n->sym->tenum; /* n->cstring = n->sym->sconst; */ break; } n->left = ncopy(n); n->op = OCONST; n->type = n->sym->tenum; if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) n->vconst = n->sym->vconst; else{ n->fconst = n->sym->fconst; n->cstring = n->sym->cstring; } break; } break; case OLSTRING: case OSTRING: case OCONST: break; case ODOT: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tdot)) goto bad; if(tcomd(n, l->type)) goto bad; break; case ODOTIND: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tindir)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type->link, tdot)) goto bad; if(tcomd(n, l->type->link)) goto bad; break; case OARRIND: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tindir)) goto bad; n->type = l->type->link; if(tcom(r)) goto bad; break; case OADDR: if(tcomo(l, ADDROP)) goto bad; if(tlvalue(l)) goto bad; if(l->type->nbits) { diag(n, "address of a bit field"); goto bad; } if(l->op == OREGISTER) { diag(n, "address of a register"); goto bad; } n->type = typ1(TIND, l->type); n->type->width = types[TIND]->width; break; case OIND: if(tcom(l)) goto bad; if(tcompat(n, T, l->type, tindir)) goto bad; n->type = l->type->link; break; case OSTRUCT: if(tcomx(n)) goto bad; break; } t = n->type; if(t == T) goto bad; if(t->width < 0) { snap(t); if(t->width < 0) { if(typesu[t->etype] && t->tag) diag(n, "structure not fully declared %s", t->tag->name); else diag(n, "structure not fully declared"); goto bad; } } if(typeaf[t->etype]) { if(f & ADDROF) goto addaddr; if(f & ADDROP) warn(n, "address of array/func ignored"); } return 0; addaddr: if(n->type->etype == TARRAY) n->type = typ1(TIND, n->type->link); return 0; #ifdef WHATEVA if(tlvalue(n)) goto bad; l = new1(OXXX, Z, Z); *l = *n; n->op = OADDR; if(l->type->etype == TARRAY) l->type = l->type->link; n->left = l; n->right = Z; n->type = typ1(TIND, l->type); n->type->width = types[TIND]->width; return 0; #endif bad: n->type = T; return 1; } int tcoma(Node *l, Node *n, Type *t, int f) { Node *n1; int o; if(t != T) if(t->etype == TOLD || t->etype == TDOT) /* .../old in prototype */ t = T; if(n == Z) { if(t != T && !sametype(t, types[TVOID])) { diag(n, "not enough function arguments: %F", l); return 1; } return 0; } if(n->op == OLIST) { o = tcoma(l, n->left, t, 0); if(t != T) { t = t->down; if(t == T) t = types[TVOID]; } return o | tcoma(l, n->right, t, 1); } if(f && t != T) tcoma(l, Z, t->down, 0); if(tcom(n) || tcompat(n, T, n->type, targ)) return 1; if(sametype(t, types[TVOID])) { diag(n, "too many function arguments: %F", l); return 1; } if(t != T) { typeext(t, n); if(stcompat(nodproto, t, n->type, tasign)) { diag(l, "argument prototype mismatch \"%T\" for \"%T\": %F", n->type, t, l); return 1; } switch(t->etype) { case TCHAR: case TSHORT: /* t = types[TINT]; */ break; case TUCHAR: case TUSHORT: /* t = types[TUINT]; */ break; } } else { switch(n->type->etype) { case TCHAR: case TSHORT: /* t = types[TINT]; */ t = n->type; break; case TUCHAR: case TUSHORT: /* t = types[TUINT]; */ t = n->type; break; case TFLOAT: /* t = types[TDOUBLE]; */ t = n->type; } } if(t != T && !sametype(t, n->type)) { n1 = new1(OXXX, Z, Z); *n1 = *n; n->op = OCAST; n->left = n1; n->right = Z; n->type = t; } return 0; } int tcomd(Node *n, Type *t) { long o; o = 0; /* t = n->left->type; */ for(;;) { t = dotsearch(n->sym, t->link, n); if(t == T) { diag(n, "not a member of struct/union: %F", n); return 1; } o += t->offset; if(t->sym == n->sym) break; if(sametype(t, n->sym->type)) break; } n->type = t; return 0; } int tcomx(Node *n) { Type *t; Node *l, *r, **ar, **al; int e; e = 0; if(n->type->etype != TSTRUCT) { diag(n, "constructor must be a structure"); return 1; } l = invert(n->left); n->left = l; al = &n->left; for(t = n->type->link; t != T; t = t->down) { if(l == Z) { diag(n, "constructor list too short"); return 1; } if(l->op == OLIST) { r = l->left; ar = &l->left; al = &l->right; l = l->right; } else { r = l; ar = al; l = Z; } if(tcom(r)) e++; typeext(t, r); if(tcompat(n, t, r->type, tasign)) e++; constas(n, t, r->type); if(!e && !sametype(t, r->type)) { r = new1(OCAST, r, Z); r->type = t; *ar = r; } } if(l != Z) { diag(n, "constructor list too long"); return 1; } return e; } int tlvalue(Node *n) { if(0) { diag(n, "not an l-value"); return 1; } return 0; } /* * general rewrite * (IND(ADDR x)) ==> x * (ADDR(IND x)) ==> x * remove some zero operands * remove no op casts * evaluate constants */ void ccom(Node *n) { Node *l, *r; int t; if(n == Z) return; l = n->left; r = n->right; switch(n->op) { case OAS: case OASD: case OASXOR: case OASAND: case OASOR: case OASMOD: case OASLMOD: case OASLSHR: case OASASHR: case OASASHL: case OASDIV: case OASLDIV: case OASMUL: case OASLMUL: case OASSUB: case OASADD: ccom(l); ccom(r); if(n->op == OASLSHR || n->op == OASASHR || n->op == OASASHL) if(r->op == OCONST) { t = n->type->width * 8; /* bits per byte */ if(r->vconst >= t || r->vconst < 0) warn(n, "stupid shift: %lld", r->vconst); } break; case OCAST: ccom(l); if(l->op == OCONST) { evconst(n); if(n->op == OCONST) break; } if(nocast(l->type, n->type)) { l->type = n->type; *n = *l; } break; case OCOND: ccom(l); ccom(r); break; case OREGISTER: case OINDREG: case OCONST: case ONAME: break; case OADDR: ccom(l); /* l->etype = TVOID; */ if(l->op == OIND) { l->left->type = n->type; *n = *l->left; break; } goto common; case OIND: ccom(l); if(l->op == OADDR) { l->left->type = n->type; *n = *l->left; break; } goto common; case OEQ: case ONE: case OLE: case OGE: case OLT: case OGT: case OLS: case OHS: case OLO: case OHI: ccom(l); ccom(r); relcon(l, r); relcon(r, l); goto common; case OASHR: case OASHL: case OLSHR: ccom(l); ccom(r); if(r->op == OCONST) { t = n->type->width * 8; /* bits per byte */ if(r->vconst >= t || r->vconst <= -t) warn(n, "stupid shift: %lld", r->vconst); } goto common; default: if(l != Z) ccom(l); if(r != Z) ccom(r); common: if(l != Z) if(l->op != OCONST) break; if(r != Z) if(r->op != OCONST) break; evconst(n); } }