ref: 27ca2618d4bc7642370feb39a83a3cff92495ca2
dir: /appl/cmd/sh/expr.b/
implement Shellbuiltin; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; Listnode, Context: import sh; myself: Shellbuiltin; initbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, shmod: Sh): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sh = shmod; myself = load Shellbuiltin "$self"; if (myself == nil)"bad module", sys->sprint("expr: cannot load self: %r")); ctxt.addsbuiltin("expr", myself); ctxt.addbuiltin("ntest", myself); return nil; } whatis(nil: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, nil: string, nil: int): string { return nil; } getself(): Shellbuiltin { return myself; } EQ, GT, LT, GE, LE, PLUS, MINUS, DIVIDE, AND, TIMES, MOD, OR, XOR, UMINUS, SHL, SHR, NOT, BNOT, NEQ, REP, SEQ: con iota; runbuiltin(ctxt: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, cmd: list of ref Sh->Listnode, nil: int): string { case (hd cmd).word { "ntest" => if (len cmd != 2)"usage", "usage: ntest n"); if (big (hd tl cmd).word == big 0) return "false"; } return nil; } runsbuiltin(ctxt: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, cmd: list of ref Sh->Listnode): list of ref Listnode { # only one sbuiltin: expr. stk: list of big; lastop := -1; lastn := -1; lastname := ""; radix: int; (cmd, radix) = opts(ctxt, tl cmd); for (; cmd != nil; cmd = tl cmd) { w := (hd cmd).word; op := -1; nops := 2; case w { "+" => op = PLUS; "-" => op = MINUS; "x" or "*" or "×" => op = TIMES; "/" => op = DIVIDE; "%" => op = MOD; "and" => op = AND; "or" => op = OR; "xor" => op = XOR; "_"=> (op, nops) = (UMINUS, 1); "<<" or "shl" => op = SHL; ">>" or "shr" => op = SHR; "=" or "==" or "eq" => op = EQ; "!=" or "neq" => op = NEQ; ">" or "gt" => op = GT; "<" or "lt" => op = LT; ">=" or "ge" => op = GE; "<=" or "le" => op = LE; "!" or "not" => (op, nops) = (NOT, 1); "~" => (op, nops) = (BNOT, 1); "rep" => (op, nops) = (REP, 0); "seq" => (op, nops) = (SEQ, 2); } if (op == -1) stk = makenum(ctxt, w) :: stk; else stk = operator(ctxt, stk, op, nops, lastop, lastn, w, lastname); lastop = op; lastn = nops; lastname = w; } r: list of ref Listnode; for (; stk != nil; stk = tl stk) r = ref Listnode(nil, big2string(hd stk, radix)) :: r; return r; } opts(ctxt: ref Context, cmd: list of ref Listnode): (list of ref Listnode, int) { radix := 10; if (cmd == nil) return (nil, 10); w := (hd cmd).word; if (len w < 2) return (cmd, 10); if (w[0] != '-' || (w[1] >= '0' && w[1] <= '9')) return (cmd, 10); if (w[1] != 'r')"usage", "usage: expr [-r radix] [arg...]"); if (len w > 2) w = w[2:]; else { if (tl cmd == nil)"usage", "usage: expr [-r radix] [arg...]"); cmd = tl cmd; w = (hd cmd).word; } r := int w; if (r <= 0 || r > 36)"usage", "expr: invalid radix " + string r); return (tl cmd, int w); } operator(ctxt: ref Context, stk: list of big, op, nops, lastop, lastn: int, opname, lastopname: string): list of big { al: list of big; for (i := 0; i < nops; i++) { if (stk == nil)"empty stack", sys->sprint("expr: empty stack on op '%s'", opname)); al = hd stk :: al; stk = tl stk; } return oper(ctxt, al, op, lastop, lastn, lastopname, stk); } # args are in reverse order oper(ctxt: ref Context, args: list of big, op, lastop, lastn: int, lastopname: string, stk: list of big): list of big { if (op == REP) { if (lastop == -1 || lastop == SEQ || lastn != 2)"usage", "expr: bad operator for rep"); if (stk == nil || tl stk == nil) return stk; while (tl stk != nil) stk = operator(ctxt, stk, lastop, 2, -1, -1, lastopname, nil); return stk; } n2 := big 0; n1 := hd args; if (tl args != nil) n2 = hd tl args; r := big 0; case op { EQ => r = big(n1 == n2); NEQ => r = big(n1 != n2); GT => r = big(n1 > n2); LT => r = big(n1 < n2); GE => r = big(n1 >= n2); LE => r = big(n1 <= n2); PLUS => r = big(n1 + n2); MINUS => r = big(n1 - n2); NOT => r = big(n1 != big 0); DIVIDE => if (n2 == big 0)"divide by zero", "expr: division by zero"); r = n1 / n2; MOD => if (n2 == big 0)"divide by zero", "expr: division by zero"); r = n1 % n2; TIMES => r = n1 * n2; AND => r = n1 & n2; OR => r = n1 | n2; XOR => r = n1 ^ n2; UMINUS => r = -n1; BNOT => r = ~n1; SHL => r = n1 << int n2; SHR => r = n1 >> int n2; SEQ => return seq(n1, n2, stk); } return r :: stk; } seq(n1, n2: big, stk: list of big): list of big { incr := big 1; if (n2 < n1) incr = big -1; for (; n1 != n2; n1 += incr) stk = n1 :: stk; return n1 :: stk; } makenum(ctxt: ref Context, s: string): big { if (s == nil || (s[0] != '-' && (s[0] < '0' || s[0] > '9')))"usage", sys->sprint("expr: unknown operator '%s'", s)); t := s; if (neg := s[0] == '-') s = s[1:]; radix := 10; for (i := 0; i < len s && i < 3; i++) { if (s[i] == 'r') { radix = int s; s = s[i+1:]; break; } } if (radix == 10) return big t; if (radix == 0 || radix > 36)"usage", "expr: bad number " + t); n := big 0; for (i = 0; i < len s; i++) { if ('0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9') n = (n * big radix) + big(s[i] - '0'); else if ('a' <= s[i] && s[i] < 'a' + radix - 10) n = (n * big radix) + big(s[i] - 'a' + 10); else if ('A' <= s[i] && s[i] < 'A' + radix - 10) n = (n * big radix) + big(s[i] - 'A' + 10); else break; } if (neg) return -n; return n; } big2string(n: big, radix: int): string { if (neg := n < big 0) { n = -n; } s := ""; do { c: int; d := int (n % big radix); if (d < 10) c = '0' + d; else c = 'a' + d - 10; s[len s] = c; n /= big radix; } while (n > big 0); t := s; for (i := len s - 1; i >= 0; i--) t[len s - 1 - i] = s[i]; if (radix != 10) t = string radix + "r" + t; if (neg) return "-" + t; return t; }