ref: 27598a9c874c115795a3d59de093f8f158a73d87
dir: /module/palm.m/
Palm: module { # # basic Palm data types # PATH: con "/dis/lib/palm.dis"; DBInfo: adt { name: string; attr: int; dtype: string; # database type (byte[4]) version: int; # defined by application creator: string; # creating application (byte[4]) ctime: int; mtime: int; btime: int; # last backup modno: int; # modification number: set to zero uidseed: int; # unique record ID seed (unused, set to zero) # the following is used by the database access protocol index: int; new: fn(name: string, attr: int, dtype: string, version: int, creator: string): ref DBInfo; }; # file attributes: Fresource: con 1<<0; # file is .prc not .pdb Fronly: con 1<<1; # read only Fappinfodirty: con 1<<2; Fbackup: con 1<<3; # no conduit exists Foverwrite: con 1<<4; # overwrite older copy if present Freset: con 1<<5; # reset after installation Fprivate: con 1<<6; # don't allow copy of this to be beamed Fstream: con 1<<7; # file is an array of bytes, not a database # extended (misc) attributes for Desklink->ReadDBList Fnosync: con (1<<7)<<16; Frambased: con (1<<6)<<16; Noindex: con 16rFFFF; # unknown index Record: adt { id: int; # unique record ID (24 bits) attr: int; # record attributes cat: int; # category data: array of byte; new: fn(id: int, attr: int, cat: int, size: int): ref Record; }; # Record.attr values: Rdelete: con 16r80; # delete next sync Rdirty: con 16r40; # record modified Rinuse: con 16r20; # record in use Rsecret: con 16r10; # record is secret Rarchive: con 16r08; # archive next sync Rmcat: con 16r0F; # mask for category field in Palmdb->Entry.attrs Resource: adt { name: int; # byte[4]: resource name or type id: int; # resource ID (16 bits) data: array of byte; new: fn(name: int, id: int, size: int): ref Resource; }; # common form of category data in appinfo Categories: adt { renamed: int; # which categories have been renamed labels: array of string; # 16 category names uids: array of int; # corresponding unique IDs lastuid: int; # last unique ID assigned appdata: array of byte; # remaining data is application-specific new: fn(labels: array of string): ref Categories; unpack: fn(a: array of byte): ref Categories; pack: fn(c: self ref Categories): array of byte; mkidmap: fn(c: self ref Categories): array of int; }; Doc: adt { m: Palmdb; file: ref Palmdb->PDB; version: int; length: int; # uncompressed nrec: int; # text records only recsize: int; # uncompressed position: int; sizes: array of int; # sizes of uncompressed records open: fn(m: Palmdb, file: ref Palmdb->PDB): (ref Doc, string); read: fn(nil: self ref Doc, i: int): (string, string); iscompressed: fn(nil: self ref Doc): int; unpacktext: fn(d: self ref Doc, a: array of byte): (string, string); textlength: fn(d: self ref Doc, a: array of byte): int; }; init: fn(): string; # name mapping filename: fn(s: string): string; dbname: fn(s: string): string; # convert between resource/application ID and string id2s: fn(id: int): string; s2id: fn(s: string): int; # time conversion pilot2epoch: fn(t: int): int; epoch2pilot: fn(t: int): int; # Latin-1 to string conversion gets: fn(a: array of byte): string; puts: fn(a: array of byte, s: string); # big-endian conversion get2: fn(a: array of byte): int; get3: fn(a: array of byte): int; get4: fn(a: array of byte): int; put2: fn(a: array of byte, v: int); put3: fn(a: array of byte, v: int); put4: fn(a: array of byte, v: int); # argument wrapping for Desklink and CMP 2.x ArgIDbase: con 16r20; # first argument ID argsize: fn(args: array of (int, array of byte)): int; packargs: fn(out: array of byte, args: array of (int, array of byte)): array of byte; unpackargs: fn(argc: int, reply: array of byte): (array of (int, array of byte), string); }; Palmdb: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/palmdb.dis"; DB: adt { x: int; # instance index, used internally mode: int; attr: int; # essential database attributes open: fn(nil: string, mode: int): (ref DB, string); create: fn(nil: string, mode: int, perm: int, nil: ref Palm->DBInfo): (ref DB, string); close: fn(nil: self ref DB): string; stat: fn(nil: self ref DB): ref Palm->DBInfo; wstat: fn(nil: self ref DB, nil: ref Palm->DBInfo, flags: int); rdappinfo: fn(nil: self ref DB): (array of byte, string); wrappinfo: fn(nil: self ref DB, nil: array of byte): string; rdsortinfo: fn(nil: self ref DB): (array of int, string); wrsortinfo: fn(nil: self ref DB, nil: array of int): string; readidlist: fn(nil: self ref DB, sort: int): array of int; nentries: fn(nil: self ref DB): int; resetsyncflags: fn(nil: self ref DB): string; records: fn(nil: self ref DB): ref PDB; resources: fn(nil: self ref DB): ref PRC; }; # database files (.pdb, .doc, and most others) PDB: adt { db: ref DB; read: fn(nil: self ref PDB, index: int): ref Palm->Record; readid: fn(nil: self ref PDB, id: int): (ref Palm->Record, int); resetnext: fn(nil: self ref PDB): int; readnextmod: fn(nil: self ref PDB): (ref Palm->Record, int); # DLP 1.1 functions: # readnextincat(nil: self ref DB, cat: int): (ref Palm->Record, string); # readnextmodincat(nil: self ref DB, cat: int): (ref Palm->Record, string); write: fn(nil: self ref PDB, r: ref Palm->Record): string; truncate: fn(nil: self ref PDB): string; delete: fn(nil: self ref PDB, id: int): string; deletecat: fn(nil: self ref PDB, cat: int): string; purge: fn(nil: self ref PDB): string; movecat: fn(nil: self ref PDB, old: int, new: int): string; }; # resource files (.prc) PRC: adt { db: ref DB; # read by index, or by type & id read: fn(nil: self ref PRC, index: int): ref Palm->Resource; readtype: fn(nil: self ref PRC, name: int, id: int): (ref Palm->Resource, int); # write by type and id only (desklink) write: fn(nil: self ref PRC, r: ref Palm->Resource): string; truncate: fn(nil: self ref PRC): string; delete: fn(nil: self ref PRC, name: int, id: int): string; }; # open modes (not the same as Sys->) OREAD: con 16r80; OWRITE: con 16r40; ORDWR: con OREAD|OWRITE; OEXCL: con 16r20; OSECRET: con 16r10; init: fn(m: Palm): string; };