ref: 249dc0489c7b24371e1f829e9c849fa7464f6c0c
dir: /module/iobuf.m/
IOBuf: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/iobuf.dis"; init: fn(); ReadBuf: adt{ new: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, bufsize: int): ref ReadBuf; newc: fn(queuesize, bufsize: int): ref ReadBuf; setsep: fn(r: self ref ReadBuf, sep: string, strip: int); reads: fn(r: self ref ReadBuf): array of byte; readn: fn(r: self ref ReadBuf, n: int): array of byte; fill: fn(r: self ref ReadBuf, data: array of byte, wc: Sys->Rwrite); # Internal: buf: array of byte; s: int; e: int; sep: array of byte; strip: int; reader: ref fn(r: ref ReadBuf): int; is_eof: int; fd: ref Sys->FD; leftover: array of byte; queue: chan of array of byte; pending: chan of (array of byte, Sys->Rwrite); is_pending: chan of int; }; WriteBuf: adt{ new: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, bufsize: int): ref WriteBuf; newc: fn(bufsize: int): ref WriteBuf; write: fn(w: self ref WriteBuf, buf: array of byte); writeln: fn(w: self ref WriteBuf, buf: array of byte); flush: fn(w: self ref WriteBuf); eof: fn(w: self ref WriteBuf); request: fn(w: self ref WriteBuf, n: int, rc: Sys->Rread); # Internal: buf: array of byte; s: int; e: int; writer: ref fn(w: ref WriteBuf); fd: ref Sys->FD; pending: chan of (int, Sys->Rread); }; };