ref: 249dc0489c7b24371e1f829e9c849fa7464f6c0c
dir: /appl/lib/w3c/css.b/
implement CSS; # # CSS2 parsing module # # CSS2.1 style sheets # # Copyright © 2001, 2005 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "css.m"; B, NUMBER, IDENT, STRING, URL, PERCENTAGE, UNIT, HASH, ATKEYWORD, IMPORTANT, IMPORT, PSEUDO, CLASS, INCLUDES, DASHMATCH, FUNCTION: con 16rE000+iota; toknames := array[] of{ B-B => "Zero", NUMBER-B => "NUMBER", IDENT-B => "IDENT", STRING-B => "STRING", URL-B => "URL", PERCENTAGE-B => "PERCENTAGE", UNIT-B => "UNIT", HASH-B => "HASH", ATKEYWORD-B => "ATKEYWORD", IMPORTANT-B => "IMPORTANT", CLASS-B => "CLASS", INCLUDES-B => "INCLUDES", DASHMATCH-B => "DASHMATCH", PSEUDO-B => "PSEUDO", FUNCTION-B => "FUNCTION", }; printdiag := 0; init(d: int) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; printdiag = d; } parse(s: string): (ref Stylesheet, string) { return stylesheet(ref Cparse(-1, 0, nil, nil,,1))); } parsedecl(s: string): (list of ref Decl, string) { return (declarations(ref Cparse(-1, 0, nil, nil,,0))), nil); } ptok(c: int): string { if(c < 0) return "eof"; if(c == 0) return "zero?"; if(c >= B) return sys->sprint("%s", toknames[c-B]); return sys->sprint("%c", c); } Cparse: adt { lookahead: int; eof: int; value: string; suffix: string; cs: ref Clex; get: fn(nil: self ref Cparse): int; look: fn(nil: self ref Cparse): int; unget: fn(nil: self ref Cparse, tok: int); skipto: fn(nil: self ref Cparse, followset: string): int; synerr: fn(nil: self ref Cparse, s: string); }; Cparse.get(p: self ref Cparse): int { if((c := p.lookahead) >= 0){ p.lookahead = -1; return c; } if(p.eof) return -1; (c, p.value, p.suffix) = csslex(p.cs); if(c < 0) p.eof = 1; if(printdiag > 1) sys->print("lex: %s v=%s s=%s\n", ptok(c), p.value, p.suffix); return c; } Cparse.look(p: self ref Cparse): int { c := p.get(); p.unget(c); return c; } Cparse.unget(p: self ref Cparse, c: int) { if(p.lookahead >= 0) raise "css: internal error: Cparse.unget"; p.lookahead = c; # note that p.value and p.suffix are assumed to be those of c } Cparse.skipto(p: self ref Cparse, followset: string): int { while((c := p.get()) >= 0) for(i := 0; i < len followset; i++) if(followset[i] == c){ p.unget(c); return c; } return -1; } Cparse.synerr(p: self ref Cparse, s: string) { p.cs.synerr(s); } # # stylesheet: # ["@charset" STRING ';']? # [CDO|CDC]* [import [CDO|CDC]*]* # [[ruleset | media | page ] [CDO|CDC]*]* # import: # "@import" [STRING|URL] [ medium [',' medium]*]? ';' # media: # "@media" medium [',' medium]* '{' ruleset* '}' # medium: # IDENT # page: # "@page" pseudo_page? '{' declaration [';' declaration]* '}' # pseudo_page: # ':' IDENT # stylesheet(p: ref Cparse): (ref Stylesheet, string) { charset: string; if(atkeywd(p, "@charset")){ if(itisa(p, STRING)){ charset = p.value; itisa(p, ';'); }else p.synerr("bad @charset declaration"); } imports: list of ref Import; while(atkeywd(p, "@import")){ c := p.get(); if(c == STRING || c == URL){ name := p.value; media: list of string; c = p.get(); if(c == IDENT){ # optional medium [, ...] p.unget(c); media = medialist(p); } imports = ref Import(name, media) :: imports; }else p.synerr("bad @import"); if(c != ';'){ p.synerr("missing ; in @import"); p.unget(c); if(p.skipto(";}") < 0) break; } } imports = rev(imports); stmts: list of ref Statement; do{ while((c := p.get()) == ATKEYWORD) case p.value { "@media" => # medium[,medium]* { ruleset*} media := medialist(p); if(!itisa(p, '{')){ p.synerr("bad @media"); skipatrule("@media", p); continue; } rules: list of ref Statement.Ruleset; do{ rule := checkrule(p); if(rule != nil) rules = rule :: rules; }while(!itisa(p, '}') && !p.eof); stmts = ref Statement.Media(media, rev(rules)) :: stmts; "@page" => # [:ident]? { declaration [; declaration]* } pseudo: string; if(itisa(p, PSEUDO)) pseudo = p.value; if(!itisa(p, '{')){ p.synerr("bad @page"); skipatrule("@page", p); continue; } decls := declarations(p); if(!itisa(p, '}')){ p.synerr("unclosed @page declaration block"); skipatrule("@page", p); continue; } stmts = ref Statement.Page(pseudo, decls) :: stmts; * => skipatrule(p.value, p); # skip unknown or misplaced at-rule } p.unget(c); rule := checkrule(p); if(rule != nil) stmts = rule :: stmts; }while(!p.eof); rl := stmts; stmts = nil; for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) stmts = hd rl :: stmts; return (ref Stylesheet(charset, imports, stmts), nil); } checkrule(p: ref Cparse): ref Statement.Ruleset { (rule, err) := ruleset(p); if(rule == nil){ if(err != nil){ p.synerr(sys->sprint("bad ruleset: %s", err)); p.get(); # make some progress } } return rule; } medialist(p: ref Cparse): list of string { media: list of string; do{ c := p.get(); if(c != IDENT){ p.unget(c); p.synerr("missing medium identifier"); break; } media = p.value :: media; }while(itisa(p, ',')); return rev(media); } itisa(p: ref Cparse, expect: int): int { if((c := p.get()) == expect) return 1; p.unget(c); return 0; } atkeywd(p: ref Cparse, expect: string): int { if((c := p.get()) == ATKEYWORD && p.value == expect) return 1; p.unget(c); return 0; } skipatrule(name: string, p: ref Cparse) { if(printdiag) sys->print("skip unimplemented or misplaced %s\n", name); if((c := p.get()) == '{'){ # block for(nesting := '}' :: nil; nesting != nil && c >= 0; nesting = tl nesting){ while((c = p.cs.getc()) >= 0 && c != hd nesting) case c { '{' => nesting = '}' :: nesting; '(' => nesting = ')' :: nesting; '[' => nesting = ']' :: nesting; '"' or '\'' => quotedstring(p.cs, c); } } }else{ while(c >= 0 && c != ';') c = p.get(); } } # ruleset: # selector [',' S* selector]* '{' S* declaration [';' S* declaration]* '}' S* ruleset(p: ref Cparse): (ref Statement.Ruleset, string) { selectors: list of list of (int, list of ref Select); c := -1; do{ s := selector(p); if(s == nil){ if(p.eof) return (nil, nil); p.synerr("expected selector"); if(p.skipto(",{}") < 0) return (nil, nil); c = p.look(); }else selectors = s :: selectors; }while((c = p.get()) == ','); if(c != '{') return (nil, "expected declaration block"); sl := selectors; selectors = nil; for(; sl != nil; sl = tl sl) selectors = hd sl :: selectors; decls := declarations(p); if(!itisa(p, '}')){ p.synerr("unclosed declaration block"); } return (ref Statement.Ruleset(selectors, decls), nil); } declarations(p: ref Cparse): list of ref Decl { decls: list of ref Decl; c: int; do{ (d, e) := declaration(p); if(d != nil) decls = d :: decls; else if(e != nil){ p.synerr("ruleset declaration: "+e); if((c = p.skipto(";}")) < 0) break; } }while((c = p.get()) == ';'); p.unget(c); l := decls; for(decls = nil; l != nil; l = tl l) decls = hd l :: decls; return decls; } # selector: # simple_selector [combinator simple_selector]* # combinator: # '+' S* | '>' S* | /* empty */ # selector(p: ref Cparse): list of (int, list of ref Select) { sel: list of (int, list of ref Select); op := ' '; while((s := selector1(p)) != nil){ sel = (op, s) :: sel; if((c := p.look()) == '+' || c == '>') op = p.get(); else op = ' '; } l: list of (int, list of ref Select); for(; sel != nil; sel = tl sel) l = hd sel :: l; return l; } # # simple_selector: # element_name? [HASH | class | attrib | pseudo]* S* # element_name: # IDENT | '*' # class: # '.' IDENT # attrib: # '[' S* IDENT S* [ [ '=' | INCLUDES | DASHMATCH ] S* [IDENT | STRING] S* ]? ']' # pseudo # ':' [ IDENT | FUNCTION S* IDENT? S* ')' ] selector1(p: ref Cparse): list of ref Select { sel: list of ref Select; c := p.get(); if(c == IDENT) sel = ref Select.Element(p.value) :: sel; else if(c== '*') sel = ref Select.Any("*") :: sel; else p.unget(c); Sel: for(;;){ c = p.get(); case c { HASH => sel = ref Select.ID(p.value) :: sel; CLASS => sel = ref Select.Class(p.value) :: sel; '[' => if(!itisa(p, IDENT)) break; name := p.value; case c = p.get() { '=' => sel = ref Select.Attrib(name, "=", optaval(p)) :: sel; INCLUDES => sel = ref Select.Attrib(name, "~=", optaval(p)) :: sel; DASHMATCH => sel = ref Select.Attrib(name, "|=", optaval(p)) :: sel; * => sel = ref Select.Attrib(name, nil, nil) :: sel; p.unget(c); } if((c = p.get()) != ']'){ p.synerr("bad attribute syntax"); p.unget(c); break Sel; } PSEUDO => case c = p.get() { IDENT => sel = ref Select.Pseudo(p.value) :: sel; FUNCTION => name := p.value; case c = p.get() { IDENT => sel = ref Select.Pseudofn(name, lowercase(p.value)) :: sel; ')' => p.unget(c); sel = ref Select.Pseudofn(name, nil) :: sel; * => p.synerr("bad pseudo-function syntax"); p.unget(c); break Sel; } if((c = p.get()) != ')'){ p.synerr("missing ')' for pseudo-function"); p.unget(c); break Sel; } * => p.synerr(sys->sprint("unexpected :pseudo: %s:%s", ptok(c), p.value)); p.unget(c); break Sel; } * => p.unget(c); break Sel; } # qualifiers must be adjacent to the first item, and each other c = p.cs.getc(); p.cs.ungetc(c); if(isspace(c)) break; } sl := sel; for(sel = nil; sl != nil; sl = tl sl) sel = hd sl :: sel; return sel; } optaval(p: ref Cparse): ref Value { case c := p.get() { IDENT => return ref Value.Ident(' ', p.value); STRING => return ref Value.String(' ', p.value); * => p.unget(c); return nil; } } # declaration: # property ':' S* expr prio? # | /* empty */ # property: # IDENT # prio: # IMPORTANT S* /* ! important */ declaration(p: ref Cparse): (ref Decl, string) { c := p.get(); if(c != IDENT){ p.unget(c); return (nil, nil); } prop := lowercase(p.value); c = p.get(); if(c != ':'){ p.unget(c); return (nil, "missing :"); } values := expr(p); if(values == nil) return (nil, "missing expression(s)"); prio := 0; if(p.look() == IMPORTANT){ p.get(); prio = 1; } return (ref Decl(prop, values, prio), nil); } # expr: # term [operator term]* # operator: # '/' | ',' | /* empty */ expr(p: ref Cparse): list of ref Value { values: list of ref Value; sep := ' '; while((t := term(p, sep)) != nil){ values = t :: values; if((c := p.look()) == '/' || c == ',') sep = p.get(); # need something fancier here? else sep = ' '; } vl := values; for(values = nil; vl != nil; vl = tl vl) values = hd vl :: values; return values; } # # term: # unary_operator? [NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | LENGTH | EMS | EXS | ANGLE | TIME | FREQ | function] # | STRING | IDENT | URI | RGB | UNICODERANGE | hexcolour # function: # FUNCTION expr ')' # unary_operator: # '-' | '+' # hexcolour: # HASH S* # # LENGTH, EMS, ... FREQ have been combined into UNIT here # # TO DO: UNICODERANGE term(p: ref Cparse, sep: int): ref Value { prefix: string; case p.look(){ '+' or '-' => prefix[0] = p.get(); } c := p.get(); case c { NUMBER => return ref Value.Number(sep, prefix+p.value); PERCENTAGE => return ref Value.Percentage(sep, prefix+p.value); UNIT => return ref Value.Unit(sep, prefix+p.value, p.suffix); } if(prefix != nil) p.synerr("+/- before non-numeric"); case c { STRING => return ref Value.String(sep, p.value); IDENT => return ref Value.Ident(sep, lowercase(p.value)); URL => return ref Value.Url(sep, p.value); HASH => # could check value: 3 or 6 hex digits (r, g, b) := torgb(p.value); if(r < 0) return nil; return ref Value.Hexcolour(sep, p.value, (r,g,b)); FUNCTION => name := p.value; args := expr(p); c = p.get(); if(c != ')'){ p.synerr(sys->sprint("missing ')' for function %s", name)); return nil; } if(name == "rgb"){ if(len args != 3){ p.synerr("wrong number of arguments to rgb()"); return nil; } r := colourof(hd args); g := colourof(hd tl args); b := colourof(hd tl tl args); if(r < 0 || g < 0 || b < 0){ p.synerr("invalid rgb() parameters"); return nil; } return ref Value.RGB(sep, args, (r,g,b)); } return ref Value.Function(sep, name, args); * => p.unget(c); return nil; } } torgb(s: string): (int, int, int) { case len s { 3 => r := hex(s[0]); g := hex(s[1]); b := hex(s[2]); if(r >= 0 && g >= 0 && b >= 0) return ((r<<4)|r, (g<<4)|g, (b<<4)|b); 6 => v := 0; for(i := 0; i < 6; i++){ n := hex(s[i]); if(n < 0) return (-1, 0, 0); v = (v<<4) | n; } return (v>>16, (v>>8)&16rFF, v&16rFF); } return (-1, 0, 0); } colourof(v: ref Value): int { pick r := v { Number => return clip(int r.value, 0, 255); Percentage => # just the integer part return clip((int r.value*255 + 50)/100, 0, 255); * => return -1; } } clip(v: int, l: int, u: int): int { if(v < l) return l; if(v > u) return u; return v; } rev[T](l: list of T): list of T { t: list of T; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) t = hd l :: t; return t; } Clex: adt { context: list of int; # characters input: string; lim: int; n: int; lineno: int; new: fn(s: string, lno: int): ref Clex; getc: fn(cs: self ref Clex): int; ungetc: fn(cs: self ref Clex, c: int); synerr: fn(nil: self ref Clex, s: string); }; string, lno: int): ref Clex { return ref Clex(nil, s, len s, 0, lno); } Clex.getc(cs: self ref Clex): int { if(cs.context != nil){ c := hd cs.context; cs.context = tl cs.context; return c; } if(cs.n >= cs.lim) return -1; c := cs.input[cs.n++]; if(c == '\n') cs.lineno++; return c; } Clex.ungetc(cs: self ref Clex, c: int) { cs.context = c :: cs.context; } Clex.synerr(cs: self ref Clex, s: string) { if(printdiag) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%d: err: %s\n", cs.lineno, s); } csslex(cs: ref Clex): (int, string, string) { for(;;){ c := skipws(cs); if(c < 0) return (-1, nil, nil); case c { '<' => if(seq(cs, "!--")) break; # <!-- ignore HTML comment start (CDO) return (c, nil, nil); '-' => if(seq(cs, "->")) break; # --> ignore HTML comment end (CDC) return (c, nil, nil); ':' => c = cs.getc(); cs.ungetc(c); if(isnamec(c, 0)) return (PSEUDO, nil, nil); return (':', nil, nil); '#' => c = cs.getc(); if(isnamec(c, 1)) return (HASH, name(cs, c), nil); cs.ungetc(c); return ('#', nil, nil); '/' => if(subseq(cs, '*', 1, 0)){ comment(cs); break; } return (c, nil, nil); '\'' or '"' => return (STRING, quotedstring(cs, c), nil); '0' to '9' or '.' => if(c == '.'){ d := cs.getc(); cs.ungetc(d); if(!isdigit(d)){ if(isnamec(d, 1)) return (CLASS, name(cs, cs.getc()), nil); return ('.', nil, nil); } # apply CSS2 treatment: .55 is a number not a class } val := number(cs, c); c = cs.getc(); if(c == '%') return (PERCENTAGE, val, "%"); if(isnamec(c, 0)) # use CSS2 interpetation return (UNIT, val, lowercase(name(cs, c))); cs.ungetc(c); return (NUMBER, val, nil); '\\' => d := cs.getc(); if(d >= ' ' && d <= '~' || islatin1(d)){ # probably should handle it in name wd := name(cs, d); return (IDENT, "\\"+wd, nil); } cs.ungetc(d); return ('\\', nil, nil); '@' => c = cs.getc(); if(isnamec(c, 0)) # @something return (ATKEYWORD, "@"+lowercase(name(cs,c)), nil); cs.ungetc(c); return ('@', nil, nil); '!' => c = skipws(cs); if(isnamec(c, 0)){ # !something wd := name(cs, c); if(lowercase(wd) == "important") return (IMPORTANT, nil, nil); pushback(cs, wd); }else cs.ungetc(c); return ('!', nil, nil); '~' => if(subseq(cs, '=', 1, 0)) return (INCLUDES, "~=", nil); return ('~', nil, nil); '|' => if(subseq(cs, '=', 1, 0)) return (DASHMATCH, "|=", nil); return ('|', nil, nil); * => if(isnamec(c, 0)){ wd := name(cs, c); d := cs.getc(); if(d != '('){ cs.ungetc(d); return (IDENT, wd, nil); } val := lowercase(wd); if(val == "url") return (URL, url(cs), nil); # bizarre special case return (FUNCTION, val, nil); } return (c, nil, nil); } } } skipws(cs: ref Clex): int { for(;;){ while((c := cs.getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f') ; if(c != '/') return c; c = cs.getc(); if(c != '*'){ cs.ungetc(c); return '/'; } comment(cs); } } seq(cs: ref Clex, s: string): int { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if((c := cs.getc()) != s[i]) break; if(i == len s) return 1; cs.ungetc(c); while(i > 0) cs.ungetc(s[--i]); if(c < 0) return -1; return 0; } subseq(cs: ref Clex, a: int, t: int, e: int): int { if((c := cs.getc()) != a){ cs.ungetc(c); return e; } return t; } pushback(cs: ref Clex, wd: string) { for(i := len wd; --i >= 0;) cs.ungetc(wd[i]); } comment(cs: ref Clex) { while((c := cs.getc()) != '*' || (c = cs.getc()) != '/') if(c < 0) { # end of file in comment break; } } number(cs: ref Clex, c: int): string { s: string; for(; isdigit(c); c = cs.getc()) s[len s] = c; if(c != '.'){ cs.ungetc(c); return s; } if(!isdigit(c = cs.getc())){ cs.ungetc(c); cs.ungetc('.'); return s; } s[len s] = '.'; do{ s[len s] = c; }while(isdigit(c = cs.getc())); cs.ungetc(c); return s; } name(cs: ref Clex, c: int): string { s: string; for(; isnamec(c, 1); c = cs.getc()){ s[len s] = c; if(c == '\\'){ c = cs.getc(); if(isescapable(c)) s[len s] = c; } } cs.ungetc(c); return s; } isescapable(c: int): int { return c >= ' ' && c <= '~' || isnamec(c, 1); } islatin1(c: int): int { return c >= 16rA1 && c <= 16rFF; # printable latin-1 } isnamec(c: int, notfirst: int): int { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c == '\\' || notfirst && (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c == '-') || c >= 16rA1 && c <= 16rFF; # printable latin-1 } isxdigit(c: int): int { return c>='0' && c<='9' || c>='a'&&c<='f' || c>='A'&&c<='F'; } isdigit(c: int): int { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } isspace(c: int): int { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\f'; } hex(c: int): int { if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c-'0'; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c-'A' + 10; if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c-'a' + 10; return -1; } quotedstring(cs: ref Clex, delim: int): string { s: string; while((c := cs.getc()) != delim){ if(c < 0){ cs.synerr("end-of-file in string"); return s; } if(c == '\\'){ c = cs.getc(); if(c < 0){ cs.synerr("end-of-file in string"); return s; } if(isxdigit(c)){ # unicode escape n := 0; for(i := 0;;){ n = (n<<4) | hex(c); c = cs.getc(); if(!isxdigit(c) || ++i >= 6){ if(!isspace(c)) cs.ungetc(c); # CSS2 ignores the first white space following break; } } s[len s] = n; }else if(c == '\n'){ ; # escaped newline }else if(isescapable(c)) s[len s] = c; }else if(c) s[len s] = c; } return s; } url(cs: ref Clex): string { s: string; c := skipws(cs); if(c != '"' && c != '\''){ # not a quoted string while(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\'' && c != '"' && c != ')'){ s[len s] = c; c = cs.getc(); if(c == '\\'){ c = cs.getc(); if(c < 0){ cs.synerr("end of file in url parameter"); break; } if(c == ' ' || c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == ')') s[len s] = c; else{ cs.synerr("invalid escape sequence in url"); s[len s] = '\\'; s[len s] = c; } c = cs.getc(); } } cs.ungetc(c); # if(s == nil) # p.synerr("empty parameter to url"); }else s = quotedstring(cs, c); if((c = skipws(cs)) != ')'){ cs.synerr("unclosed parameter to url"); cs.ungetc(c); } return s; } lowercase(s: string): string { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if((c := s[i]) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') s[i] = c-'A' + 'a'; return s; }