ref: 249dc0489c7b24371e1f829e9c849fa7464f6c0c
dir: /appl/lib/spki/verifier.b/
implement Verifier; # # Copyright © 2004 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; IPint: import kr; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "sexprs.m"; sexprs: Sexprs; Sexp: import sexprs; include "spki.m"; spki: SPKI; Hash, Key, Cert, Name, Subject, Signature, Seqel, Toplev, Valid: import spki; dump: import spki; include "encoding.m"; base64: Encoding; debug := 0; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; sexprs = load Sexprs Sexprs->PATH; spki = load SPKI SPKI->PATH; base64 = load Encoding Encoding->BASE64PATH; sexprs->init(); spki->init(); } putkey(keys: list of ref Key, k: ref Key): list of ref Key { for(kl := keys; kl != nil; kl = tl kl) if(k.eq(hd kl)) return keys; return k :: keys; } keybyhash(hl: list of ref Hash, keys: list of ref Key): ref Key { for(kl := keys; kl != nil; kl = tl kl){ k := hd kl; if(k.hash != nil && anyhashmatch(hl, k.hash)) return k; } return nil; } anyhashmatch(hl1, hl2: list of ref Hash): int { for(; hl1 != nil; hl1 = tl hl1){ h1 := hd hl1; for(; hl2 != nil; hl2 = tl hl2) if(h1.eq(hd hl2)) return 1; } return 0; } verify(seq: list of ref Seqel): (ref Speaksfor, list of ref Seqel, string) { stack: list of ref Seqel; keys: list of ref Key; n0: ref Name; cn: ref Cert; delegate := 1; tag: ref Sexp; val: ref Valid; for(; seq != nil; seq = tl seq){ pick s := hd seq { C => diag := checkcert(s.c); if(diag != nil) return (nil, seq, diag); if(stack != nil){ pick h := hd stack { C => if(!delegate) return(nil, seq, "previous auth certificate did not delegate"); if(!h.c.subject.principal().eq(s.c.issuer.principal)) return (nil, seq, "certificate chain has mismatched principals"); if(debug) sys->print("issuer %s ok\n", s.c.issuer.principal.text()); } stack = tl stack; } stack = s :: stack; if(n0 == nil) n0 = s.c.issuer; cn = s.c; pick t := s.c { A or KH or O => delegate = t.delegate; if(tag != nil){ tag = spki->tagintersect(tag, t.tag); if(tag == nil) return (nil, seq, "certificate chain has null authority"); }else tag = t.tag; if(val != nil){ if(t.valid != nil){ (ok, iv) := (*val).intersect(*t.valid); if(!ok) return (nil, seq, "certificate chain is not currently valid"); *val = iv; } }else val = t.valid; } K => stack = s :: stack; O => if(s.op == "debug"){ debug = !debug; continue; } if(s.op != "hash" || s.args == nil || tl s.args != nil) return (nil, seq, "invalid operation to `do'"); alg := (hd s.args).astext(); if(alg != "md5" && alg != "sha1") return (nil, seq, "invalid hash operation"); if(stack == nil) return (nil, seq, "verification stack empty"); pick h := hd stack { K => a := h.k.hashed(alg); if(debug) dump("do hash", a); keys = putkey(keys, h.k); stack = tl stack; C => ; * => return (nil, seq, "invalid type of operand for hash"); } S => if(stack == nil) return (nil, seq, "verification stack empty"); sig := s.sig; if(sig.key == nil) return (nil, seq, "neither hash nor key for signature"); if( == nil){ k := keybyhash(sig.key.hash, keys); if(k == nil) return (nil, seq, "unknown key for signature"); sig.key = k; } pick c := hd stack { C => if(c.c.e == nil) return (nil, seq, "missing canonical expression for cert"); a := c.c.e.pack(); # verify signature ... if(debug) dump("cert a", a); h := spki->hashbytes(a, "md5"); if(debug){ dump("hash cert", h); sys->print("hash = %q\n", base64->enc(h)); } failed := spki->checksig(c.c, sig); if(debug) sys->print("checksig: %q\n", failed); if(failed != nil) return (nil, seq, "signature verification failed: "+failed); * => return (nil, seq, "invalid type of signature operand"); } } } if(n0 != nil && cn != nil){ if(debug){ if(tag != nil) auth := sys->sprint(" regarding %q", tag.text()); sys->print("%q speaks for %q%s\n", cn.subject.text(), n0.text(), auth); } return (ref Speaksfor(cn.subject, n0, tag, val), nil, nil); } return (nil, nil, nil); } checkcert(c: ref Cert): string { # TO DO? return nil; }