ref: 249dc0489c7b24371e1f829e9c849fa7464f6c0c
dir: /appl/alphabet/main/pretty.b/
implement Pretty, Mainmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; n_BLOCK, n_VAR, n_BQ, n_BQ2, n_REDIR, n_DUP, n_LIST, n_SEQ, n_CONCAT, n_PIPE, n_ADJ, n_WORD, n_NOWAIT, n_SQUASH, n_COUNT, n_ASSIGN, n_LOCAL, GLOB: import Sh; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; Report, report: import reports; include "alphabet.m"; alphabet: Alphabet; Value: import alphabet; Pretty: module {}; typesig(): string { return "sc"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; alphabet = load Alphabet Alphabet->PATH; sh = load Sh Sh->PATH; sh->initialise(); } quit() { } run(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: ref Reports->Report, nil: chan of string, nil: list of (int, list of ref Value), args: list of ref Value): ref Value { { return ref Value.Vs(pretty((hd args).c().i, 0)); }exception{ "bad expr" => return nil; } } pretty(n: ref Sh->Cmd, depth: int): string { if (n == nil) return nil; s: string; case n.ntype { n_BLOCK => s = "{\n"+tabs(depth+1)+pretty(n.left,depth+1) + "\n"+tabs(depth)+"}"; n_VAR => s = "$" + pretty(n.left, depth); n_LIST => s = "(" + pretty(n.left, depth) + ")"; n_SEQ => s = pretty(n.left, depth) + "\n"+tabs(depth)+pretty(n.right, depth); n_PIPE => s = pretty(n.left, depth) + " |\n"+tabs(depth)+pretty(n.right, depth); n_ADJ => s = pretty(n.left, depth) + " " + pretty(n.right, depth); n_WORD => s = quote(n.word, 1); n_BQ2 => # if we can't do it, revert to ugliness. { s = "\"" + pretty(n.left, depth); } exception { "bad expr" => s = sh->cmd2string(n); } * => raise "bad expr"; } return s; } tabs(n: int): string { s: string; while(n-- > 0) s[len s] = '\t'; return s; } # stolen from sh.y quote(s: string, glob: int): string { needquote := 0; t := ""; for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) { case s[i] { '{' or '}' or '(' or ')' or '`' or '&' or ';' or '=' or '>' or '<' or '#' or '|' or '*' or '[' or '?' or '$' or '^' or ' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\r' => needquote = 1; '\'' => t[len t] = '\''; needquote = 1; GLOB => if (glob) { if (i < len s - 1) i++; } } t[len t] = s[i]; } if (needquote || t == nil) t = "'" + t + "'"; return t; }