ref: 249dc0489c7b24371e1f829e9c849fa7464f6c0c
dir: /appl/alphabet/abc/rewrite.b/
implement Rewrite, Abcmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; report: import reports; include "alphabet.m"; include "alphabet/abc.m"; abc: Abc; Value: import abc; Rewrite: module {}; types(): string { return "cAc-ss-rs"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; reports = checkload(load Reports Reports->PATH, Reports->PATH); abc = checkload(load Abc Abc->PATH, Abc->PATH); abc->init(); } quit() { } run(errorc: chan of string, nil: ref Reports->Report, opts: list of (int, list of ref Value), args: list of ref Value ): ref Value { rtype, sig: string; for(; opts != nil; opts = tl opts){ case (hd opts).t0 { 's' => sig = (hd (hd opts).t1).s().i; 'r' => rtype = (hd (hd opts).t1).s().i; } } a := (hd args).A().i.alphabet; c := (hd tl args).c().i; actsig: string; (c, actsig) = a->rewrite(c, rtype, errorc); if(c == nil) return nil; if(sig != nil){ (ok, err) := a->typecompat(sig, actsig); if(err != nil){ report(errorc, "rewrite: "+err); return nil; } if(ok == 0){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("rewrite: %q is not compatible with %q", sig, actsig)); return nil; } } return ref Value.Vc(c); } checkload[T](m: T, path: string): T { if(m != nil) return m; raise sys->sprint("fail:cannot load %s: %r", path); }