ref: 21947578303cdb0fcb4b0cdfe80aa9dab5f6b447
dir: /man/2/mpeg/
.TH MPEG 2 .SH NAME mpeg \- interface to the mpeg device driver .SH SYNOPSIS .EX include "draw.m"; include "mpeg.m"; mpeg:= load Mpeg Mpeg->PATH; play: fn(d: ref Display, w: ref Image, dopaint: int, r: Rect, file: string, notify: chan of string): string; ctl: fn(msg: string): int; keycolor: fn(d: ref Display): ref Image; .EE .SH DESCRIPTION .B Mpeg provides a primitive interface to the .IR mpeg (3) device. .PP .B Play plays the specified MPEG .I file in rectangle .I r within window .I w on display .IR d . The .I dopaint flag specifies whether, before playing the movie, to paint the rectangle with the chroma key colour of the device. .PP .I Notify is a channel upon which to receive errors and status. If .I notify is .BR nil , .B play runs synchronously, returning the empty string ("") when the movie completes, or a description of any error. If .I notify is not .BR nil , .B play spawns an asynchronous process to play the movie and returns the empty string immediately; the process returns the status on the .I notify channel when the movie completes. .PP .B Ctl writes .IR msg , the string given as an argument, to the MPEG control interface .BR /dev/mpegctl . .PP .B Keycolor uses the .B Display .I d to create a single-pixel, replicated off screen .B Image of colour .B Chroma .RB ( 16r05 ). .SH FILES .B /dev/mpeg .br .B /dev/mpegctl .SH SOURCE .B /appl/lib/mpeg.b