ref: 09d11c64e5014a64dbc7b807899b3dd2581fe26f
dir: /appl/lib/ipattr.b/
implement IPattr; include "sys.m"; include "bufio.m"; include "attrdb.m"; attrdb: Attrdb; Db, Dbentry, Tuples: import attrdb; include "ip.m"; ip: IP; IPaddr: import ip; include "ipattr.m"; init(m: Attrdb, ipa: IP) { # sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; attrdb = m; ip = ipa; } dbattr(s: string): string { digit := 0; dot := 0; alpha := 0; hex := 0; colon := 0; for(i := 0; i < len s; i++){ case c := s[i] { '0' to '9' => digit = 1; 'a' to 'f' or 'A' to 'F' => hex = 1; '.' => dot = 1; ':' => colon = 1; * => if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c == '-' || c == '&') alpha = 1; } } if(alpha){ if(dot) return "dom"; return "sys"; } if(colon) return "ip"; if(dot){ if(!hex) return "ip"; return "dom"; } return "sys"; } findnetattr(ndb: ref Db, attr: string, val: string, rattr: string): (string, string) { (matches, err) := findnetattrs(ndb, attr, val, rattr::nil); if(matches == nil) return (nil, err); (nil, nattr) := hd matches; na := hd nattr; #{sys := load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->print("%q=%q->%q ::", attr, val, rattr);for(al:=na.pairs; al != nil; al = tl al)sys->print(" %q=%q", (hd al).attr, (hd al).val); sys->print("\n");} if( == rattr && na.pairs != nil) return ((hd na.pairs).val, nil); return (nil, nil); } reverse(l: list of string): list of string { rl: list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) rl = hd l :: rl; return rl; } valueof(l: list of ref Netattr, attr: string): list of string { rl: list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l){ na := hd l; if( == attr){ for(p := na.pairs; p != nil; p = tl p) rl = (hd p).val :: rl; } } return reverse(rl); } netvalueof(l: list of ref Netattr, attr: string, a: IP->IPaddr): list of string { rl: list of string; for(; l != nil; l = tl l){ na := hd l; if( == attr && a.mask(na.mask).eq({ for(p := na.pairs; p != nil; p = tl p) rl = (hd p).val :: rl; } } return reverse(rl); } findnetattrs(ndb: ref Db, attr: string, val: string, rattrs: list of string): (list of (IPaddr, list of ref Netattr), string) { rl: list of (IPaddr, list of ref Netattr); if(ndb == nil) return (nil, "no database"); (e, ptr) := ndb.findbyattr(nil, attr, val, "ip"); if(e == nil){ if(attr != "ip") return (nil, "ip attribute not found"); # look for attributes associated with networks that include `a' (ok, a) := IPaddr.parse(val); if(ok < 0) return (nil, "invalid ip address in db"); netattrs := mkattrlist(rattrs); netattributes(ndb, a, netattrs); rl = (a, netattrs) :: nil; }else{ netattrs: list of ref Netattr; for(matches := e.findbyattr(attr, val, "ip"); matches != nil; matches = tl matches){ for((nil, allip) := hd matches; allip != nil; allip = tl allip){ ipa := (hd allip).val; (ok, a) := IPaddr.parse(ipa); if(ok < 0) return (nil, "invalid ip address in db"); netattrs = mkattrlist(rattrs); pptr := ptr; pe := e; for(;;){ attribute(pe, a, ip->allbits, netattrs, 1); (pe, pptr) = ndb.findpair(pptr, attr, val); if(pe == nil) break; } netattributes(ndb, a, netattrs); rl = (a, netattrs) :: rl; } } } results: list of (IPaddr, list of ref Netattr); for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) results = hd rl :: results; return (results, nil); } netattributes(ndb: ref Db, a: IPaddr, nas: list of ref Netattr): string { e: ref Dbentry; ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr; for(;;){ (e, ptr) = ndb.find(ptr, "ipnet"); if(e == nil) break; ipaddr := e.findfirst("ip"); if(ipaddr == nil) continue; (ok, netip) := IPaddr.parse(ipaddr); if(ok < 0) return "bad ip address in db"; netmask: IPaddr; mask := e.findfirst("ipmask"); if(mask == nil){ if(!netip.isv4()) continue; netmask = netip.classmask(); }else{ (ok, netmask) = IPaddr.parsemask(mask); if(ok < 0) return "bad ipmask in db"; } if(a.mask(netmask).eq(netip)) attribute(e, netip, netmask, nas, 0); } return nil; } attribute(e: ref Dbentry, netip: IPaddr, netmask: IPaddr, nas: list of ref Netattr, ishost: int) { for(; nas != nil; nas = tl nas){ na := hd nas; if(na.pairs != nil){ if(!na.mask.mask(netmask).eq(na.mask)) continue; # new one is at least as specific } matches := e.find(; if(matches == nil){ if( != "ipmask" || ishost) continue; matches = (nil, ref Attrdb->Attr("ipmask", netmask.masktext(), 0)::nil) :: nil; } = netip; na.mask = netmask; rl: list of ref Attrdb->Attr; for(; matches != nil; matches = tl matches){ (nil, al) := hd matches; for(; al != nil; al = tl al) rl = hd al :: rl; } na.pairs = nil; for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl) na.pairs = hd rl :: na.pairs; } } mkattrlist(rattrs: list of string): list of ref Netattr { netattrs: list of ref Netattr; for(; rattrs != nil; rattrs = tl rattrs) netattrs = ref Netattr(hd rattrs, nil, ip->noaddr, ip->noaddr) :: netattrs; return netattrs; }