ref: 09d11c64e5014a64dbc7b807899b3dd2581fe26f
dir: /appl/lib/daytime.b/
implement Daytime; # # These routines convert time as follows: # # The epoch is 0000 Jan 1 1970 GMT. # The argument time is in microseconds since then. # The local(t) entry returns a reference to an ADT # containing # # seconds (0-59) # minutes (0-59) # hours (0-23) # day of month (1-31) # month (0-11) # year-1900 # weekday (0-6, Sun is 0) # day of the year # daylight savings flag # # The routine gets the daylight savings time from the file /locale/timezone. # # text(tvec) # where tvec is produced by local # returns a string that has the time in the form # # Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970n0 # 012345678901234567890123456789 # 0 1 2 # # time() just reads the time from /dev/time # and then calls localtime, then asctime. # # The sign bit of second times will turn on 68 years from the epoch ->2038 # include "sys.m"; include "string.m"; include "daytime.m"; S: String; sys: Sys; dmsize := array[] of { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; ldmsize := array[] of { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; Timezone: adt { stname: string; dlname: string; stdiff: int; dldiff: int; dlpairs: array of int; }; timezone: ref Timezone; now(): int { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fd := sys->open("/dev/time", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return 0; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return 0; t := (big string buf[0:n]) / big 1000000; return int t; } time(): string { t := now(); tm := local(t); return text(tm); } local(tim: int): ref Tm { ct: ref Tm; if(timezone == nil) timezone = readtimezone(nil); t := tim + timezone.stdiff; dlflag := 0; for(i := 0; i+1 < len timezone.dlpairs; i += 2) { if(t >= timezone.dlpairs[i] && t < timezone.dlpairs[i+1]) { t = tim + timezone.dldiff; dlflag++; break; } } ct = gmt(t); if(dlflag) { = timezone.dlname; ct.tzoff = timezone.dldiff; } else { = timezone.stname; ct.tzoff = timezone.stdiff; } return ct; } gmt(tim: int): ref Tm { xtime := ref Tm; # break initial number into days hms := tim % 86400; day := tim / 86400; if(hms < 0) { hms += 86400; day -= 1; } # generate hours:minutes:seconds xtime.sec = hms % 60; d1 := hms / 60; xtime.min = d1 % 60; d1 /= 60; xtime.hour = d1; # day is the day number. # generate day of the week. # The addend is 4 mod 7 (1/1/1970 was Thursday) xtime.wday = (day + 7340036) % 7; # year number if(day >= 0) for(d1 = 70; day >= dysize(d1+1900); d1++) day -= dysize(d1+1900); else for (d1 = 70; day < 0; d1--) day += dysize(d1+1900-1); xtime.year = d1; d0 := day; xtime.yday = d0; # generate month if(dysize(d1+1900) == 366) dmsz := ldmsize; else dmsz = dmsize; for(d1 = 0; d0 >= dmsz[d1]; d1++) d0 -= dmsz[d1]; xtime.mday = d0 + 1; xtime.mon = d1; = "GMT"; xtime.tzoff = 0; return xtime; } wkday := array[] of { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; weekday := array[] of { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" }; month := array[] of { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; text(t: ref Tm): string { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; year := 1900+t.year; return sys->sprint("%s %s %.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %d", wkday[t.wday], month[t.mon], t.mday, t.hour, t.min, t.sec,, year); } filet(now: int, file: int): string { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; t := local(file); if(now - file < 6*30*24*3600) return sys->sprint("%s %.2d %.2d:%.2d", month[t.mon], t.mday, t.hour, t.min); year := 1900+t.year; return sys->sprint("%s %.2d %d", month[t.mon], t.mday, year); } dysize(y: int): int { if(y%4 == 0 && (y%100 != 0 || y%400 == 0)) return 366; return 365; } readtimezone(fname: string): ref Timezone { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; tz := ref Timezone; tz.stdiff = 0; tz.stname = "GMT"; s: string; if(fname == nil){ s = readfile("/env/timezone"); if(s == nil) s = readfile("/locale/timezone"); }else{ if(fname[0] != '/' && fname[0] != '#') fname = "/locale/" + fname; s = readfile(fname); } if(s == nil) return tz; if(s[0] == '/' || s[0] == '#'){ if(s[len s-1] == '\n') s = s[0: len s-1]; s = readfile(s); if(s == nil) return tz; } (n, val) := sys->tokenize(s, "\t \n\r"); if(n < 4) return tz; tz.stname = hd val; val = tl val; tz.stdiff = int hd val; val = tl val; tz.dlname = hd val; val = tl val; tz.dldiff = int hd val; val = tl val; tz.dlpairs = array[n-4] of {* => 0}; for(j := 0; val != nil; val = tl val) tz.dlpairs[j++] = int hd val; return tz; } readfile(name: string): string { fd := sys->open(name, Sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return nil; buf := array[2048] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return nil; return string buf[0:n]; } SEC2MIN: con 60; SEC2HOUR: con 60*SEC2MIN; SEC2DAY: con 24*SEC2HOUR; tm2epoch(tm: ref Tm): int { secs := 0; # # seconds per year # yr := tm.year + 1900; if(yr < 1970) for(i := yr; i < 1970; i++) secs -= dysize(i) * SEC2DAY; else for(i = 1970; i < yr; i++) secs += dysize(i) * SEC2DAY; # # seconds per month # if(dysize(yr) == 366) dmsz := ldmsize; else dmsz = dmsize; for(i = 0; i < tm.mon; i++) secs += dmsz[i] * SEC2DAY; # # secs in last month # secs += (tm.mday-1) * SEC2DAY; # # hours, minutes, seconds # secs += tm.hour * SEC2HOUR; secs += tm.min * SEC2MIN; secs += tm.sec; # # time zone offset includes daylight savings time # return secs - tm.tzoff; } # handle three formats (we'll be a bit more tolerant) # Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 TZ (rfc822+rfc1123) # Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 TZ (rfc850, obsoleted by rfc1036) # Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 (ANSI C's asctime() format, assume GMT) # # return nil on parsing error # string2tm(date: string): ref Tm { buf: string; ok: int; tm := ref Tm; if(S == nil) S = load String String->PATH; # Weekday|Wday (date, buf) = dateword(date); tm.wday = strlookup(wkday, buf); if(tm.wday < 0) tm.wday = strlookup(weekday, buf); if(tm.wday < 0) return nil; # Try Mon odate := date; (date, buf) = dateword(date); tm.mon = strlookup(month, buf); if(tm.mon >= 0) { # Mon was OK, so asctime() format # DD (date, tm.mday) = datenum(date); if(tm.mday < 1 || tm.mday > 31) return nil; # HH:MM:SS (ok, date) = hhmmss(date, tm); if(!ok) return nil; # optional time zone while(date != nil && date[0] == ' ') date = date[1:]; if(date != nil && !(date[0] >= '0' && date[0] <= '9')){ for(i := 0; i < len date; i++) if(date[i] == ' '){ (, tm.tzoff) = tzinfo(date[0: i]); date = date[i:]; break; } } # YY|YYYY (nil, tm.year) = datenum(date); if(tm.year > 1900) tm.year -= 1900; if( == ""){ = "GMT"; tm.tzoff = 0; } } else { # Mon was not OK date = odate; # DD Mon YYYY or DD-Mon-(YY|YYYY) (date, tm.mday) = datenum(date); if(tm.mday < 1 || tm.mday > 31) return nil; (date, buf) = dateword(date); tm.mon = strlookup(month, buf); if(tm.mon < 0 || tm.mon >= 12) return nil; (date, tm.year) = datenum(date); if(tm.year > 1900) tm.year -= 1900; # HH:MM:SS (ok, buf) = hhmmss(date, tm); if(!ok) return nil; (, tm.tzoff) = tzinfo(buf); if( == "") return nil; } return tm; } dateword(date: string): (string, string) { notalnum: con "^A-Za-z0-9"; date = S->drop(date, notalnum); (w, rest) := S->splitl(date, notalnum); return (rest, w); } datenum(date: string): (string, int) { notdig: con "^0-9"; date = S->drop(date, notdig); (num, rest) := S->splitl(date, notdig); return (rest, int num); } strlookup(a: array of string, s: string): int { n := len a; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { if(s == a[i]) return i; } return -1; } hhmmss(date: string, tm: ref Tm): (int, string) { err := (0, ""); (date, tm.hour) = datenum(date); if(tm.hour < 0 || tm.hour >= 24) return err; (date, tm.min) = datenum(date); if(tm.min < 0 || tm.min >= 60) return err; (date, tm.sec) = datenum(date); if(tm.sec < 0 || tm.sec >= 60) return err; return (1, date); } tzinfo(tz: string): (string, int) { # strip leading and trailing whitespace WS: con " \t"; tz = S->drop(tz, WS); for(n := len tz; n > 0; n--) { if(S->in(tz[n-1], WS) == 0) break; } if(n < len tz) tz = tz[:n]; # if no timezone, default to GMT if(tz == nil) return ("GMT", 0); # GMT aliases case tz { "GMT" or "UT" or "UTC" or "Z" => return ("GMT", 0); } # [+-]hhmm (hours and minutes offset from GMT) if(len tz == 5 && (tz[0] == '+' || tz[0] == '-')) { h := int tz[1:3]; m := int tz[3:5]; if(h > 23 || m > 59) return ("", 0); tzoff := h*SEC2HOUR + m*SEC2MIN; if(tz[0] == '-') tzoff = -tzoff; return ("GMT", tzoff); } # try continental US timezones filename: string; case tz { "CST" or "CDT" => filename = "CST.CDT"; "EST" or "EDT" => filename = "EST.EDT"; "MST" or "MDT" => filename = "MST.MDT"; "PST" or "PDT" => filename = "PST.PDT"; * => ; # default to local timezone } tzdata := readtimezone(filename); if(tzdata.stname == tz) return (tzdata.stname, tzdata.stdiff); if(tzdata.dlname == tz) return (tzdata.dlname, tzdata.dldiff); return ("", 0); }