ref: d68a62124bd18f9fe74efe8555ed0f00a52cd08f
dir: /kern/devfs-win32.c/
#include <windows.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "u.h" #include "lib.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" #include <libsec.h> /* for sha1 in pathhash() */ typedef struct DIR DIR; typedef struct Ufsinfo Ufsinfo; enum { TPATH_ROOT = 0, // "" TPATH_VOLUME = 1, // "C:" TPATH_FILE = 2, // "C:\bla" }; struct DIR { // for FindFileFirst() HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; // for GetLogicalDriveStrings() wchar_t *drivebuf; wchar_t *drivep; // dont move to the next item int keep; }; struct Ufsinfo { int mode; HANDLE fh; DIR* dir; vlong offset; QLock oq; wchar_t *path; }; static wchar_t *catpath(wchar_t *, char *, wchar_t *); static ulong fsdirread(Chan*, uchar*, int, vlong); static int fsomode(int); static ulong fsaccess(int); static ulong pathtype(wchar_t *); static int checkvolume(wchar_t *); static ulong unixtime(FILETIME *ft) { vlong t; t = ((vlong)ft->dwHighDateTime << 32)|((vlong)ft->dwLowDateTime); t -= 116444736000000000LL; return ((t<0)?(-1 - (-t - 1)) : t)/10000000; } static FILETIME filetime(ulong ut) { FILETIME ft; vlong t = (vlong)ut * 10000000LL; t += 116444736000000000LL; ft.dwLowDateTime = t; ft.dwHighDateTime = t >> 32; return ft; } static uvlong pathhash(wchar_t *p) { uchar digest[SHA1dlen]; sha1((uchar*)p, wcslen(p)*sizeof(wchar_t), digest, nil); return *(uvlong*)digest; } static ulong wfdtodmode(WIN32_FIND_DATA *wfd) { int m; m = DMREAD|DMWRITE|DMEXEC; if(wfd->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) m |= DMDIR; if(wfd->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) m &= ~DMWRITE; m |= (m & 07)<<3; m |= (m & 07)<<6; return m; } static Qid wfdtoqid(wchar_t *path, WIN32_FIND_DATA *wfd) { ulong t; WIN32_FIND_DATA f; Qid q; t = pathtype(path); switch(t){ case TPATH_VOLUME: case TPATH_ROOT: q.type = QTDIR; q.path = pathhash(path); q.vers = 0; break; case TPATH_FILE: if(!wfd){ HANDLE h; if((h = FindFirstFile(path, &f))==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) oserror(); FindClose(h); wfd = &f; } q.type = (wfd->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? QTDIR : QTFILE; q.path = pathhash(path); q.vers = unixtime(&wfd->ftLastWriteTime); break; } return q; } static void wfdtodir(wchar_t *path, Dir *d, WIN32_FIND_DATA *wfd) { extern ulong kerndate; WIN32_FIND_DATA f; switch(pathtype(path)){ case TPATH_VOLUME: case TPATH_ROOT: wfd = nil; d->mode = 0777 | DMDIR; d->atime = seconds(); d->mtime = kerndate; d->length = 0; break; case TPATH_FILE: if(wfd == nil){ HANDLE h; if((h = FindFirstFile(path, &f))==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) oserror(); FindClose(h); wfd = &f; } d->mode = wfdtodmode(wfd); d->atime = unixtime(&wfd->ftLastAccessTime); d->mtime = unixtime(&wfd->ftLastWriteTime); d->length = ((uvlong)wfd->nFileSizeHigh << 32)|((uvlong)wfd->nFileSizeLow); break; } d->qid = wfdtoqid(path, wfd); d->uid = eve; d->gid = eve; d->muid = eve; } static char* lastelem(Chan *c) { char *s, *t; s = chanpath(c); if((t = strrchr(s, '/')) == nil) return s; if(t[1] == 0) return t; return t+1; } static ulong pathtype(wchar_t *path) { if(path[0] == 0 || path[1] == 0) return TPATH_ROOT; if(path[1] == ':' && path[2] == 0) return TPATH_VOLUME; return TPATH_FILE; } static int checkvolume(wchar_t *path) { wchar_t vol[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t volname[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t fsysname[MAX_PATH]; DWORD complen; DWORD flags; wcscpy(vol, path); wcscat(vol, L"\\"); if(!GetVolumeInformation( vol, volname, MAX_PATH, NULL, &complen, &flags, fsysname, MAX_PATH)) return 0; return 1; } static wchar_t* wstrdup(wchar_t *s) { wchar_t *d; long n; n = (wcslen(s)+1)*sizeof(wchar_t); d = mallocz(n, 0); memmove(d, s, n); return d; } static Chan* fsattach(char *spec) { static int devno; Ufsinfo *uif; Chan *c; uif = mallocz(sizeof(Ufsinfo), 1); uif->path = wstrdup(L""); c = devattach('U', spec); c->aux = uif; c->dev = devno++; c->qid.type = QTDIR; return c; } static Chan* fsclone(Chan *c, Chan *nc) { Ufsinfo *uif; uif = mallocz(sizeof(Ufsinfo), 1); *uif = *(Ufsinfo*)c->aux; uif->path = wstrdup(uif->path); nc->aux = uif; return nc; } static int fswalk1(Chan *c, char *name) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE h; wchar_t *p; Ufsinfo *uif; uif = c->aux; p = catpath(uif->path, name, nil); switch(pathtype(p)){ case TPATH_VOLUME: if(!checkvolume(p)){ free(p); return 0; } case TPATH_ROOT: c->qid = wfdtoqid(p, nil); break; case TPATH_FILE: if((h = FindFirstFile(p, &wfd)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ free(p); return 0; } FindClose(h); c->qid = wfdtoqid(p, &wfd); break; } free(uif->path); uif->path = p; return 1; } static Walkqid* fswalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { int i; Walkqid *wq; if(nc != nil) panic("fswalk: nc != nil"); wq = smalloc(sizeof(Walkqid)+(nname-1)*sizeof(Qid)); nc = devclone(c); fsclone(c, nc); wq->clone = nc; for(i=0; i<nname; i++){ if(fswalk1(nc, name[i]) == 0) break; wq->qid[i] = nc->qid; } if(i != nname){ cclose(nc); wq->clone = nil; } wq->nqid = i; return wq; } static int fsstat(Chan *c, uchar *buf, int n) { Dir d; Ufsinfo *uif; if(n < BIT16SZ) error(Eshortstat); uif = c->aux; = lastelem(c); wfdtodir(uif->path, &d, nil); d.type = 'U'; = c->dev; return convD2M(&d, buf, n); } static Chan* fsopen(Chan *c, int mode) { ulong t; int m, isdir; wchar_t *p; Ufsinfo *uif; m = mode & (OTRUNC|3); switch(m) { case 0: break; case 1: case 1|16: break; case 2: case 0|16: case 2|16: break; case 3: break; default: error(Ebadarg); } isdir = c->qid.type & QTDIR; if(isdir && mode != OREAD) error(Eperm); m = fsomode(m & 3); c->mode = openmode(mode); uif = c->aux; uif->offset = 0; t = pathtype(uif->path); if(isdir){ DIR *d; d = malloc(sizeof(*d)); switch(t){ case TPATH_ROOT: d->drivebuf = malloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*MAX_PATH); if(GetLogicalDriveStrings(MAX_PATH-1, d->drivebuf) == 0){ free(d->drivebuf); d->drivebuf = nil; oserror(); } d->drivep = d->drivebuf; break; case TPATH_VOLUME: case TPATH_FILE: p = catpath(uif->path, "*.*", nil); d->handle = FindFirstFile(p, &d->wfd); free(p); if(d->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ free(d); oserror(); } break; } d->keep = 1; uif->dir = d; } else { uif->dir = nil; if((uif->fh = CreateFile( uif->path, fsaccess(mode), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, (mode & OTRUNC) ? TRUNCATE_EXISTING : OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) oserror(); } c->offset = 0; c->flag |= COPEN; return c; } static Chan* fscreate(Chan *c, char *name, int mode, ulong perm) { int m; ulong t; wchar_t *newpath; Ufsinfo *uif; m = fsomode(mode&3); uif = c->aux; t = pathtype(uif->path); newpath = catpath(uif->path, name, nil); if(waserror()){ free(newpath); nexterror(); } if(perm & DMDIR) { wchar_t *p; DIR *d; if(m || t==TPATH_ROOT) error(Eperm); if(!CreateDirectory(newpath, NULL)) oserror(); d = malloc(sizeof(*d)); p = catpath(newpath, "*.*", nil); d->handle = FindFirstFile(p, &d->wfd); free(p); if(d->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ free(d); oserror(); } d->keep = 1; uif->dir = d; } else { uif->dir = nil; if((uif->fh = CreateFile( newpath, fsaccess(mode), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) oserror(); } free(uif->path); uif->path = newpath; poperror(); c->qid = wfdtoqid(newpath, nil); c->offset = 0; c->flag |= COPEN; c->mode = openmode(mode); return c; } static void fsclose(Chan *c) { Ufsinfo *uif; uif = c->aux; if(c->flag & COPEN) { if(uif->dir != nil){ if(uif->dir->drivebuf != nil){ free(uif->dir->drivebuf); uif->dir->drivebuf = nil; } else { FindClose(uif->dir->handle); free(uif->dir); } } else { CloseHandle(uif->fh); } c->flag &= ~COPEN; if(c->flag & CRCLOSE) { devtab[c->type]->remove(c); return; } } free(uif->path); free(uif); } static long fsread(Chan *c, void *va, long n, vlong offset) { HANDLE fh; DWORD r; Ufsinfo *uif; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return fsdirread(c, va, n, offset); uif = c->aux; qlock(&uif->oq); if(waserror()) { qunlock(&uif->oq); nexterror(); } fh = uif->fh; if(uif->offset != offset) { LONG high; high = offset>>32; offset = SetFilePointer(fh, (LONG)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFF), &high, FILE_BEGIN); offset |= (vlong)high<<32; uif->offset = offset; } r = 0; if(!ReadFile(fh, va, (DWORD)n, &r, NULL)) oserror(); n = r; uif->offset += n; qunlock(&uif->oq); poperror(); return n; } static long fswrite(Chan *c, void *va, long n, vlong offset) { HANDLE fh; DWORD w; Ufsinfo *uif; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return fsdirread(c, va, n, offset); uif = c->aux; qlock(&uif->oq); if(waserror()) { qunlock(&uif->oq); nexterror(); } fh = uif->fh; if(uif->offset != offset) { LONG high; high = offset>>32; offset = SetFilePointer(fh, (LONG)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFF), &high, FILE_BEGIN); offset |= (vlong)high<<32; uif->offset = offset; } w = 0; if(!WriteFile(fh, va, (DWORD)n, &w, NULL)) oserror(); n = w; uif->offset += n; qunlock(&uif->oq); poperror(); return n; } static void fsremove(Chan *c) { Ufsinfo *uif; if(waserror()){ fsclose(c); nexterror(); } uif = c->aux; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR){ if(!RemoveDirectory(uif->path)) oserror(); } else { if(!DeleteFile(uif->path)) oserror(); } poperror(); fsclose(c); } static int fswstat(Chan *c, uchar *buf, int n) { char strs[MAX_PATH*3]; Ufsinfo *uif; Dir d; if (convM2D(buf, n, &d, strs) != n) error(Ebadstat); uif = c->aux; if(pathtype(uif->path) != TPATH_FILE) error(Ebadstat); if(~d.atime != 0 || ~d.mtime != 0){ FILETIME ta, *pta = NULL; FILETIME tm, *ptm = NULL; HANDLE h; if(~d.atime != 0){ ta = filetime(d.atime); pta = &ta; } if(~d.mtime != 0){ tm = filetime(d.mtime); ptm = &tm; } if((h = CreateFile(uif->path, FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ SetFileTime(h, NULL, pta, ptm); CloseHandle(h); } } /* change name */ if([0]){ wchar_t *base, *newpath; int l; base = wstrdup(uif->path); if(waserror()){ free(base); nexterror(); } /* replace last path-element with */ l = wcslen(base)-1; if(l <= 0) error(Ebadstat); for(;l>0; l--){ if(base[l-1]=='\\') break; } if(l <= 0) error(Ebadstat); base[l] = 0; newpath = catpath(base,, nil); free(base); poperror(); if(waserror()){ free(newpath); nexterror(); } if(wcscmp(uif->path, newpath)!=0){ if(!MoveFile(uif->path, newpath)) oserror(); } free(uif->path); uif->path = newpath; poperror(); } /* fixme: change attributes */ c->qid = wfdtoqid(uif->path, nil); return n; } static wchar_t* catpath(wchar_t *base, char *cext, wchar_t *wext) { wchar_t *path; long n, m; n = wcslen(base); m = wext!=nil ? wcslen(wext) : strlen(cext)*4; path = malloc((n+m+2)*sizeof(wchar_t)); memmove(path, base, n*sizeof(wchar_t)); if(n > 0 && path[n-1] != '\\') path[n++] = '\\'; if(wext != nil) memmove(path+n, wext, m*sizeof(wchar_t)); else m = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,cext,-1,path+n,m); path[n+m] = 0; return path; } static int isdots(char *name) { if(name[0] != '.') return 0; if(name[1] == '\0') return 1; if(name[1] != '.') return 0; if(name[2] == '\0') return 1; return 0; } static ulong fsdirread(Chan *c, uchar *va, int count, vlong offset) { int i; ulong t; Dir d; long n; Ufsinfo *uif; char de[MAX_PATH*3]; wchar_t *p; i = 0; uif = c->aux; errno = 0; t = pathtype(uif->path); if(uif->offset != offset) { if(offset != 0) error("bad offset in fsdirread"); uif->offset = offset; /* sync offset */ switch(t){ case TPATH_ROOT: uif->dir->drivep = uif->dir->drivebuf; break; case TPATH_VOLUME: case TPATH_FILE: FindClose(uif->dir->handle); p = catpath(uif->path, "*.*", nil); uif->dir->handle = FindFirstFile(p, &uif->dir->wfd); free(p); if(uif->dir->handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) oserror(); break; } uif->dir->keep = 1; } while(i+BIT16SZ < count) { if(!uif->dir->keep) { switch(t){ case TPATH_ROOT: uif->dir->drivep += 4; if(*uif->dir->drivep == 0) goto out; break; case TPATH_VOLUME: case TPATH_FILE: if(!FindNextFile(uif->dir->handle, &uif->dir->wfd)) goto out; break; } } else { uif->dir->keep = 0; } if(t == TPATH_ROOT){ uif->dir->drivep[2] = 0; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,uif->dir->drivep,-1,de,sizeof(de),0,0); } else { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,uif->dir->wfd.cFileName,-1,de,sizeof(de),0,0); } if(de[0]==0 || isdots(de)) continue; = de; if(t == TPATH_ROOT){ p = catpath(uif->path, nil, uif->dir->drivep); wfdtodir(p, &d, nil); } else { p = catpath(uif->path, nil, uif->dir->wfd.cFileName); wfdtodir(p, &d, &uif->dir->wfd); } free(p); d.type = 'U'; = c->dev; n = convD2M(&d, (uchar*)va+i, count-i); if(n == BIT16SZ){ uif->dir->keep = 1; break; } i += n; } out: uif->offset += i; return i; } static int fsomode(int m) { switch(m) { case 0: /* OREAD */ case 3: /* OEXEC */ return 0; case 1: /* OWRITE */ return 1; case 2: /* ORDWR */ return 2; } error(Ebadarg); return 0; } static ulong fsaccess(int m) { ulong a; a = 0; switch(m & 3){ default: error(Eperm); break; case OREAD: a = GENERIC_READ; break; case OWRITE: a = GENERIC_WRITE; break; case ORDWR: a = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; } return a; } Dev fsdevtab = { 'U', "fs", devreset, devinit, devshutdown, fsattach, fswalk, fsstat, fsopen, fscreate, fsclose, fsread, devbread, fswrite, devbwrite, fsremove, fswstat, };