ref: 8df8a86e40b16f25f05ef2705f09c2be8f551d22
dir: /libc/fmtquote.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include "fmtdef.h" /* * How many bytes of output UTF will be produced by quoting (if necessary) this string? * How many runes? How much of the input will be consumed? * The parameter q is filled in by __quotesetup. * The string may be UTF or Runes (s or r). * Return count does not include NUL. * Terminate the scan at the first of: * NUL in input * count exceeded in input * count exceeded on output * *ninp is set to number of input bytes accepted. * nin may be <0 initially, to avoid checking input by count. */ void __quotesetup(char *s, Rune *r, int nin, int nout, Quoteinfo *q, int sharp, int runesout) { int w; Rune c; q->quoted = 0; q->nbytesout = 0; q->nrunesout = 0; q->nbytesin = 0; q->nrunesin = 0; if(sharp || nin==0 || (s && *s=='\0') || (r && *r=='\0')){ if(nout < 2) return; q->quoted = 1; q->nbytesout = 2; q->nrunesout = 2; } for(; nin!=0; nin--){ if(s) w = chartorune(&c, s); else{ c = *r; w = runelen(c); } if(c == '\0') break; if(runesout){ if(q->nrunesout+1 > nout) break; }else{ if(q->nbytesout+w > nout) break; } if((c <= L' ') || (c == L'\'') || (fmtdoquote!=0 && fmtdoquote(c))){ if(!q->quoted){ if(runesout){ if(1+q->nrunesout+1+1 > nout) /* no room for quotes */ break; }else{ if(1+q->nbytesout+w+1 > nout) /* no room for quotes */ break; } q->nrunesout += 2; /* include quotes */ q->nbytesout += 2; /* include quotes */ q->quoted = 1; } if(c == '\'') { if(runesout){ if(1+q->nrunesout+1 > nout) /* no room for quotes */ break; }else{ if(1+q->nbytesout+w > nout) /* no room for quotes */ break; } q->nbytesout++; q->nrunesout++; /* quotes reproduce as two characters */ } } /* advance input */ if(s) s += w; else r++; q->nbytesin += w; q->nrunesin++; /* advance output */ q->nbytesout += w; q->nrunesout++; } } static int qstrfmt(char *sin, Rune *rin, Quoteinfo *q, Fmt *f) { Rune r, *rm, *rme; char *t, *s, *m, *me; Rune *rt, *rs; ulong fl; int nc, w; m = sin; me = m + q->nbytesin; rm = rin; rme = rm + q->nrunesin; w = f->width; fl = f->flags; if(f->runes){ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __rfmtpad(f, w - q->nrunesout) < 0) return -1; }else{ if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __fmtpad(f, w - q->nbytesout) < 0) return -1; } t = (char*)f->to; s = (char*)f->stop; rt = (Rune*)f->to; rs = (Rune*)f->stop; if(f->runes) FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, '\''); else FMTRUNE(f, t, s, '\''); for(nc = q->nrunesin; nc > 0; nc--){ if(sin){ r = *(uchar*)m; if(r < Runeself) m++; else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m)) m += chartorune(&r, m); else break; }else{ if(rm >= rme) break; r = *(uchar*)rm++; } if(f->runes){ FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r); if(r == '\'') FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r); }else{ FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r); if(r == '\'') FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r); } } if(f->runes){ FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, '\''); USED(rs); f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to; f->to = rt; if(fl & FmtLeft && __rfmtpad(f, w - q->nrunesout) < 0) return -1; }else{ FMTRUNE(f, t, s, '\''); USED(s); f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to; f->to = t; if(fl & FmtLeft && __fmtpad(f, w - q->nbytesout) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } int __quotestrfmt(int runesin, Fmt *f) { int nin, outlen; Rune *r; char *s; Quoteinfo q; nin = -1; if(f->flags&FmtPrec) nin = f->prec; if(runesin){ r = va_arg(f->args, Rune *); s = nil; }else{ s = va_arg(f->args, char *); r = nil; } if(!s && !r) return __fmtcpy(f, (void*)"<nil>", 5, 5); if(f->flush) outlen = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* if we can flush, no output limit */ else if(f->runes) outlen = (Rune*)f->stop - (Rune*)f->to; else outlen = (char*)f->stop - (char*)f->to; __quotesetup(s, r, nin, outlen, &q, f->flags&FmtSharp, f->runes); //print("bytes in %d bytes out %d runes in %d runesout %d\n", q.nbytesin, q.nbytesout, q.nrunesin, q.nrunesout); if(runesin){ if(!q.quoted) return __fmtrcpy(f, r, q.nrunesin); return qstrfmt(nil, r, &q, f); } if(!q.quoted) return __fmtcpy(f, s, q.nrunesin, q.nbytesin); return qstrfmt(s, nil, &q, f); } int quotestrfmt(Fmt *f) { return __quotestrfmt(0, f); } int quoterunestrfmt(Fmt *f) { return __quotestrfmt(1, f); } void quotefmtinstall(void) { fmtinstall('q', quotestrfmt); fmtinstall('Q', quoterunestrfmt); } int __needsquotes(char *s, int *quotelenp) { Quoteinfo q; __quotesetup(s, nil, -1, 0x7FFFFFFF, &q, 0, 0); *quotelenp = q.nbytesout; return q.quoted; } int __runeneedsquotes(Rune *r, int *quotelenp) { Quoteinfo q; __quotesetup(nil, r, -1, 0x7FFFFFFF, &q, 0, 0); *quotelenp = q.nrunesout; return q.quoted; }