ref: 05c9c55ff13ef53c5033c409064ccaf883cf001a
dir: /kern/devenv.c/
#include "u.h" #include "lib.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "error.h" enum { Maxenvsize = 16300, }; static Egrp *envgrp(Chan *c); static int envwriteable(Chan *c); static void initunix(); static Egrp unixegrp; /* unix environment group */ static Evalue* envlookup(Egrp *eg, char *name, ulong qidpath) { Evalue *e; int i; for(i=0; i<eg->nent; i++){ e = eg->ent[i]; if(e->qid.path == qidpath || (name && e->name[0]==name[0] && strcmp(e->name, name) == 0)) return e; } return nil; } static int envgen(Chan *c, char *name, Dirtab *_1, int _2, int s, Dir *dp) { Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; if(s == DEVDOTDOT){ devdir(c, c->qid, "#e", 0, eve, DMDIR|0775, dp); return 1; } eg = envgrp(c); rlock(&eg->lk); e = 0; if(name) e = envlookup(eg, name, -1); else if(s < eg->nent) e = eg->ent[s]; if(e == 0) { runlock(&eg->lk); return -1; } /* make sure name string continues to exist after we release lock */ kstrcpy(up->genbuf, e->name, sizeof up->genbuf); devdir(c, e->qid, up->genbuf, e->len, eve, 0666, dp); runlock(&eg->lk); return 1; } static Chan* envattach(char *spec) { Chan *c; if(spec && *spec) { error(Ebadarg); } initunix(); c = devattach('e', spec); c->aux = &unixegrp; return c; } static Walkqid* envwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, 0, 0, envgen); } static int envstat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n) { if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) c->qid.vers = envgrp(c)->vers; return devstat(c, db, n, 0, 0, envgen); } static Chan* envopen(Chan *c, int omode) { Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; int trunc; eg = envgrp(c); if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) { if(omode != OREAD) error(Eperm); } else { trunc = omode & OTRUNC; if(omode != OREAD && !envwriteable(c)) error(Eperm); if(trunc) wlock(&eg->lk); else rlock(&eg->lk); e = envlookup(eg, nil, c->qid.path); if(e == 0) { if(trunc) wunlock(&eg->lk); else runlock(&eg->lk); error(Enonexist); } if(trunc && e->value) { e->qid.vers++; free(e->value); e->value = 0; e->len = 0; } if(trunc) wunlock(&eg->lk); else runlock(&eg->lk); } c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; c->offset = 0; return c; } static Chan* envcreate(Chan *c, char *name, int omode, ulong _) { Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; Evalue **ent; if(c->qid.type != QTDIR) error(Eperm); if(strlen(name) >= sizeof up->genbuf) error("name too long"); /* protect envgen */ omode = openmode(omode); eg = envgrp(c); wlock(&eg->lk); if(waserror()) { wunlock(&eg->lk); nexterror(); } if(envlookup(eg, name, -1)) error(Eexist); e = smalloc(sizeof(Evalue)); e->name = smalloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(e->name, name); if(eg->nent == eg->ment){ eg->ment += 32; ent = smalloc(sizeof(eg->ent[0])*eg->ment); if(eg->nent) memmove(ent, eg->ent, sizeof(eg->ent[0])*eg->nent); free(eg->ent); eg->ent = ent; } e->qid.path = ++eg->path; e->qid.vers = 0; eg->vers++; eg->ent[eg->nent++] = e; c->qid = e->qid; wunlock(&eg->lk); poperror(); c->offset = 0; c->mode = omode; c->flag |= COPEN; return c; } static void envremove(Chan *c) { int i; Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) error(Eperm); eg = envgrp(c); wlock(&eg->lk); e = 0; for(i=0; i<eg->nent; i++){ if(eg->ent[i]->qid.path == c->qid.path){ e = eg->ent[i]; eg->nent--; eg->ent[i] = eg->ent[eg->nent]; eg->vers++; break; } } wunlock(&eg->lk); if(e == 0) error(Enonexist); free(e->name); if(e->value) free(e->value); free(e); } static void envclose(Chan *c) { /* * cclose can't fail, so errors from remove will be ignored. * since permissions aren't checked, * envremove can't not remove it if its there. */ if(c->flag & CRCLOSE) envremove(c); } static long envread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong off) { Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; ulong offset = off; if(c->qid.type & QTDIR) return devdirread(c, a, n, 0, 0, envgen); eg = envgrp(c); rlock(&eg->lk); e = envlookup(eg, nil, c->qid.path); if(e == 0) { runlock(&eg->lk); error(Enonexist); } if(offset > e->len) /* protects against overflow converting vlong to ulong */ n = 0; else if(offset + n > e->len) n = e->len - offset; if(n <= 0) n = 0; else memmove(a, e->value+offset, n); runlock(&eg->lk); return n; } static long envwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong off) { char *s; ulong len; Egrp *eg; Evalue *e; ulong offset = off; if(n <= 0) return 0; if(offset > Maxenvsize || n > (Maxenvsize - offset)) error(Etoobig); eg = envgrp(c); wlock(&eg->lk); e = envlookup(eg, nil, c->qid.path); if(e == 0) { wunlock(&eg->lk); error(Enonexist); } len = offset+n; if(len > e->len) { s = smalloc(len); if(e->value){ memmove(s, e->value, e->len); free(e->value); } e->value = s; e->len = len; } memmove(e->value+offset, a, n); e->qid.vers++; eg->vers++; wunlock(&eg->lk); return n; } Dev envdevtab = { 'e', "env", devreset, devinit, devshutdown, envattach, envwalk, envstat, envopen, envcreate, envclose, envread, devbread, envwrite, devbwrite, envremove, devwstat, }; extern char **environ; static void initunix() { Egrp *eg = &unixegrp; Evalue **ent, *e; char *eq, **envp, *line; int n; wlock(&eg->lk); if(eg->path > 0 || eg->ment > 0 || !environ){ // already initialized or nothing in environent wunlock(&eg->lk); return; } for(envp = environ; *envp != nil; envp++) eg->ment++; ent = smalloc(sizeof(eg->ent[0])*eg->ment); eg->ent = ent; for(envp = environ; *envp != nil; envp++){ line = *envp; n = strlen(line); eq = strchr(line, '='); if(eq == nil) eq = &line[n]; e = smalloc(sizeof(Evalue)); e->name = smalloc(eq-line+1); strncpy(e->name, line, eq-line); if(eq[0] != '\0') eq++; e->len = line+n-eq; e->value = smalloc(e->len); memmove(e->value, eq, e->len); e->qid.path = ++eg->path; e->qid.vers = 0; eg->vers++; eg->ent[eg->nent++] = e; } wunlock(&eg->lk); } void envcpy(Egrp *to, Egrp *from) { int i; Evalue *ne, *e; rlock(&from->lk); to->ment = (from->nent+31)&~31; to->ent = smalloc(to->ment*sizeof(to->ent[0])); for(i=0; i<from->nent; i++){ e = from->ent[i]; ne = smalloc(sizeof(Evalue)); ne->name = smalloc(strlen(e->name)+1); strcpy(ne->name, e->name); if(e->value){ ne->value = smalloc(e->len); memmove(ne->value, e->value, e->len); ne->len = e->len; } ne->qid.path = ++to->path; to->ent[i] = ne; } to->nent = from->nent; runlock(&from->lk); } void closeegrp(Egrp *eg) { int i; Evalue *e; if(decref(&eg->ref) == 0){ for(i=0; i<eg->nent; i++){ e = eg->ent[i]; free(e->name); if(e->value) free(e->value); free(e); } free(eg->ent); free(eg); } } static Egrp* envgrp(Chan *c) { if(c->aux == nil) return &unixegrp; return c->aux; } static int envwriteable(Chan *c) { return iseve() || c->aux == nil; }