
Download patch

ref: 967a9f7ad9a95ce586a661fb21c6dcff104acd79
parent: ce27dcf7d6222d9ee763407c4fe153b8f1c87db6
author: stanley lieber <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 9 17:47:12 EST 2018


--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,173 @@
+.\" This troff source is processed to create all forms of the
+.\" 9FRONT DASH 1 book and the website.
+.\" NOTE: Purely experimental. Methods employed may change.
+.\" troff -ms -mpictures | page
+.\" htmlroff -u -ms -mhtml >appendixt.html FG	\" .FG <basename> h .html - <img src="\\$1.\\$2" />
+.el .BP \\$
+.po 1i \" page offset (from left)
+.fp 1 R LucidaSans
+.fp 2 I LucidaSansI
+.fp 3 B LucidaSansB
+.fp 4 BI LucidaSansI
+.fp 5 CW LucidaCW
+.paragraph 0
+.margin 0
+.HTML "FQA Appendix T - TODO
+.html - <style type="text/css">body{font-size:10pt}; a{font-size:10pt}</style>
+.html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> |
+.html - <a href="appendixl.html">FQA Appendix L - Languages</a> |
+.html - <a href="appendixz.html">FQA Appendix Z - Getting Started With 9front</a>
+.html - <hr />
+.ihtml h1 <h1>
+FQA Appendix T - TODO
+.ihtml h1
+.html - <a href="appendixt.html">html</a> |
+.html - <a href="appendixt.pdf">pdf</a> |
+.html - <a href="">troff</a>
+.FG picarddesk1 jpg
+This is a list of possible things to add, remove, change in 9front. 
+After there's been some consensus that something here is going to be implemented, an issue may be created on the bug tracker.
+Crazy Ideas
+.ihtml ul <ul>
+• make a TODO list which isn't full of bullshit and random suggestions
+• women
+.ihtml ul
+Basically Sound
+.ihtml ul <ul>
+• dan cross' walk and sor
+.ihtml a <a href="">
+.ihtml a
+• video decoder/player (ffmpeg port?) (see
+.ihtml a <a href="">
+FQA Appendix B - Bounties
+.ihtml a
+• graphviz
+• equis:
+	→ use /dev/kbd (for video game emulators, amongst other things)
+	→ snarf/paste support (might be good as client program\(emhow would this work?)
+• openvpn
+• unrar 3
+• un7zip
+• VacFS
+• client auth
+• groups (?)
+• write access
+• N64, PSX, SMS, TG-16 emulators
+• music tracker program (sequencer)
+• pico(1) (the plan 9 image manipulation language)
+• OPUS audio support
+.ihtml a <a href="">
+.ihtml a
+• djvu support
+• chm support
+.ihtml a <a href="">
+.ihtml a
+• GUI programs (mothra, abaco, sam, etc.) should have shift+up/down arrow behavior like rio
+• add magnet/dht and peer discovery support to ip/torrent
+• implement some way to determine used and free space on FAT volumes
+.ihtml ul
+Somebody Else's Problem
+.ihtml ul <ul>
+• inferno:
+	→ make snarf work by default
+	→ fix build on amd64
+.ihtml ul
+For the Masochists
+.ihtml ul <ul>
+• write NTFS driver
+• exfat filesystem
+.ihtml ul
+For the Users
+.ihtml ul <ul>
+• read fqa
+• read wiki
+• read man pages
+• read plan 9 papers
+• learn c
+.ihtml ul
+.FG picarddesk2 jpg
+.html - <hr />
+.html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> |
+.html - <a href="appendixj.html">FQA Appendix L - Languages</a> |
+.html - <a href="appendixz.html">FQA Appendix Z - Getting Started With 9front</a>
binary files /dev/null b/iosprompt2openbsdtmuxdrawterm9front.png differ
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binary files /dev/null b/picarddesk2.jpg differ