ref: c7019579acf8abbe181d3b97d03caf4c7e537c50
parent: 4b1093d70969ef29131ab66874197ffd8799903b
author: joe9 <[email protected]>
date: Mon Aug 2 07:27:23 EDT 2021
using inferno-os os.b instead of purgatorio version as it works with my current plumb rules. At some point would have to incorporate purgatorio's changes to avoid the sh wrapper to os for correcting the directory
--- a/appl/cmd/os.b
+++ b/appl/cmd/os.b
@@ -8,14 +8,6 @@
include "string.m";
str: String;
-include "lists.m";
-include "env.m";
- env: Env;
-include "workdir.m";
- wd: Workdir;
include "arg.m";
Os: module
@@ -29,51 +21,23 @@
str = load String String->PATH;
if(str == nil)
fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", String->PATH));
- env = load Env Env->PATH;
- if(env == nil)
- fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Env->PATH));
- wd= load Workdir Workdir->PATH;
- if(wd== nil)
- fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Workdir->PATH));
arg := load Arg Arg->PATH;
if(arg == nil)
fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Arg->PATH));
- arg->setusage("os [-DrcCbn] [-d dir] [-m mount] [-N nice] command [arg...]");
+ arg->setusage("os [-d dir] [-m mount] [-n] [-N nice] [-b] command [arg...]");
- emuroot := env->getenv("emuroot");
- debug := 0;
nice := 0;
nicearg: string;
- workdir:= "";
+ workdir := "";
mntpoint := "";
foreground := 1;
- convpaths := 1;
- # Root ourselves in the of our cwd inside of Inferno by default
- rooted := 1;
- usecwd := 1;
while((opt := arg->opt()) != 0) {
case opt {
- 'D' =>
- # Turn on debugging
- debug = 1;
- 'r' =>
- # Don't root at Inferno /
- rooted = 0;
- 'c' =>
- # Don't use cwd - will run at Inferno / if -r isn't set
- usecwd = 0;
- 'C' =>
- # Don't convert arguments starting with / to $emuroot^/$arg
- convpaths = 0;
'd' =>
workdir = arg->earg();
- usecwd = 0;
- rooted = 0;
'm' =>
mntpoint = arg->earg();
'n' =>
@@ -88,7 +52,7 @@
args = arg->argv();
- if(args == nil)
+ if (args == nil)
arg = nil;
@@ -114,44 +78,6 @@
wfd := sys->open(dir+"/wait", Sys->OREAD);
if(nice && sys->fprint(cfd, "nice%s", nicearg) < 0)
sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "os: warning: can't set nice priority: %r\n");
- # Convert arguments beginning with / to $emuroot^/$arg
- if(convpaths && len args > 1){
- lists := load Lists Lists->PATH;
- if(lists == nil)
- raise "cannot load lists";
- nargs: list of string;
- argv0 := hd args;
- args = tl args;
- for(; args != nil; args = tl args){
- a := hd args;
- if(a[0] == '/')
- a = emuroot + a;
- nargs = a :: nargs;
- }
- args = lists->reverse(nargs);
- args = argv0 :: args;
- }
- if(debug){
- sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "Args to cmd:\n");
- for(argv := args; argv != nil; argv = tl argv)
- sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t%s\n", hd argv);
- }
- if(usecwd)
- workdir = wd->init();
- # If $emuroot is not set, don't care, directory is checked below
- if(rooted)
- workdir = emuroot + workdir;
- if(debug)
- sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "Workdir = %s\n", workdir);
if(workdir != nil && sys->fprint(cfd, "dir %s", workdir) < 0)
fail(sys->sprint("cannot set cwd %q: %r", workdir));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/cmd/os.purgatorio.b
@@ -1,0 +1,242 @@
+implement Os;
+include "sys.m";
+ sys: Sys;
+include "draw.m";
+include "string.m";
+ str: String;
+include "lists.m";
+include "env.m";
+ env: Env;
+include "workdir.m";
+ wd: Workdir;
+include "arg.m";
+Os: module
+ init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string);
+init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string)
+ sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
+ str = load String String->PATH;
+ if(str == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", String->PATH));
+ env = load Env Env->PATH;
+ if(env == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Env->PATH));
+ wd= load Workdir Workdir->PATH;
+ if(wd== nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Workdir->PATH));
+ arg := load Arg Arg->PATH;
+ if(arg == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Arg->PATH));
+ arg->init(args);
+ arg->setusage("os [-DrcCbn] [-d dir] [-m mount] [-N nice] command [arg...]");
+ emuroot := env->getenv("emuroot");
+ debug := 0;
+ nice := 0;
+ nicearg: string;
+ workdir:= "";
+ mntpoint := "";
+ foreground := 1;
+ convpaths := 1;
+ # Root ourselves in the of our cwd inside of Inferno by default
+ rooted := 1;
+ usecwd := 1;
+ while((opt := arg->opt()) != 0) {
+ case opt {
+ 'D' =>
+ # Turn on debugging
+ debug = 1;
+ 'r' =>
+ # Don't root at Inferno /
+ rooted = 0;
+ 'c' =>
+ # Don't use cwd - will run at Inferno / if -r isn't set
+ usecwd = 0;
+ 'C' =>
+ # Don't convert arguments starting with / to $emuroot^/$arg
+ convpaths = 0;
+ 'd' =>
+ workdir = arg->earg();
+ usecwd = 0;
+ rooted = 0;
+ 'm' =>
+ mntpoint = arg->earg();
+ 'n' =>
+ nice = 1;
+ 'N' =>
+ nice = 1;
+ nicearg = sys->sprint(" %q", arg->earg());
+ 'b' =>
+ foreground = 0;
+ * =>
+ arg->usage();
+ }
+ }
+ args = arg->argv();
+ if(args == nil)
+ arg->usage();
+ arg = nil;
+ sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil);
+ sys->bind("#p", "/prog", Sys->MREPL); # don't worry if it fails
+ if(mntpoint == nil){
+ mntpoint = "/cmd";
+ if(sys->stat(mntpoint+"/clone").t0 == -1)
+ if(sys->bind("#C", "/", Sys->MBEFORE) < 0)
+ fail(sys->sprint("bind #C /: %r"));
+ }
+ cfd := sys->open(mntpoint+"/clone", sys->ORDWR);
+ if(cfd == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot open /cmd/clone: %r"));
+ buf := array[32] of byte;
+ if((n := sys->read(cfd, buf, len buf)) <= 0)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot read /cmd/clone: %r"));
+ dir := mntpoint+"/"+string buf[0:n];
+ wfd := sys->open(dir+"/wait", Sys->OREAD);
+ if(nice && sys->fprint(cfd, "nice%s", nicearg) < 0)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "os: warning: can't set nice priority: %r\n");
+ # Convert arguments beginning with / to $emuroot^/$arg
+ if(convpaths && len args > 1){
+ lists := load Lists Lists->PATH;
+ if(lists == nil)
+ raise "cannot load lists";
+ nargs: list of string;
+ argv0 := hd args;
+ args = tl args;
+ for(; args != nil; args = tl args){
+ a := hd args;
+ if(a[0] == '/')
+ a = emuroot + a;
+ nargs = a :: nargs;
+ }
+ args = lists->reverse(nargs);
+ args = argv0 :: args;
+ }
+ if(debug){
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "Args to cmd:\n");
+ for(argv := args; argv != nil; argv = tl argv)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "\t%s\n", hd argv);
+ }
+ if(usecwd)
+ workdir = wd->init();
+ # If $emuroot is not set, don't care, directory is checked below
+ if(rooted)
+ workdir = emuroot + workdir;
+ if(debug)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "Workdir = %s\n", workdir);
+ if(workdir != nil && sys->fprint(cfd, "dir %s", workdir) < 0)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot set cwd %q: %r", workdir));
+ if(foreground && sys->fprint(cfd, "killonclose") < 0)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "os: warning: cannot write killonclose: %r\n");
+ if(sys->fprint(cfd, "exec %s", str->quoted(args)) < 0)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot exec: %r"));
+ if(foreground){
+ if((tocmd := sys->open(dir+"/data", sys->OWRITE)) == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("canot open %s/data for writing: %r", dir));
+ if((fromcmd := sys->open(dir+"/data", sys->OREAD)) == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot open %s/data for reading: %r", dir));
+ if((errcmd := sys->open(dir+"/stderr", sys->OREAD)) == nil)
+ fail(sys->sprint("cannot open %s/stderr for reading: %r", dir));
+ spawn copy(sync := chan of int, nil, sys->fildes(0), tocmd);
+ pid := <-sync;
+ tocmd = nil;
+ spawn copy(sync, nil, errcmd, sys->fildes(2));
+ epid := <-sync;
+ sync = nil;
+ errcmd = nil;
+ spawn copy(nil, done := chan of int, fromcmd, sys->fildes(1));
+ fromcmd = nil;
+ # cfd is still open, so if we're killgrp'ed and we're on a platform
+ # (e.g. windows) where the fromcmd read is uninterruptible,
+ # cfd will be closed, so the command will be killed (due to killonclose), and
+ # the fromcmd read should complete, allowing that process to be killed.
+ <-done;
+ kill(pid);
+ kill(epid);
+ }
+ if(wfd != nil){
+ status := array[1024] of byte;
+ n = sys->read(wfd, status, len status);
+ if(n < 0)
+ fail(sys->sprint("wait error: %r"));
+ s := string status[0:n];
+ if(s != nil){
+ # pid user sys real status
+ flds := str->unquoted(s);
+ if(len flds < 5)
+ fail(sys->sprint("wait error: odd status: %q", s));
+ s = hd tl tl tl tl flds;
+ if(0)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "WAIT: %q\n", s);
+ if(s != nil)
+ raise "fail:host: "+s;
+ }
+ }
+copy(sync, done: chan of int, f, t: ref Sys->FD)
+ if(sync != nil)
+ sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil);
+ buf := array[8192] of byte;
+ for(;;) {
+ r := sys->read(f, buf, len buf);
+ if(r <= 0)
+ break;
+ w := sys->write(t, buf, r);
+ if(w != r)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(done != nil)
+ done <-= 1;
+kill(pid: int)
+ fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE);
+ sys->fprint(fd, "kill");
+fail(msg: string)
+ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "os: %s\n", msg);
+ raise "fail:"+msg;