code: 9ferno

Download patch

ref: 25c285c73fcdcd402844aa76da667e5b55b26cce
parent: 2e67275d80c4cf5a3603c4db73b274a34ddfe642
author: joe9 <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 8 14:41:21 EDT 2021

patch to get acme to work with plumbed addresses

--- a/appl/cmd/plumber.b
+++ b/appl/cmd/plumber.b
@@ -590,7 +590,14 @@
 		"dst" =>	msg.dst = text;
 		"dir" =>	msg.dir = text;
 		"kind" =>	msg.kind = text;
-		"attr" =>	msg.attr = text;
+		"attr" =>
+				# this is a hack, 9front provides an add verb
+				# better yet, replace the plumbing rules with a sh script
+				al := plumbmsg->string2attrs(text);
+				for(l := al; l!= nil; l = tl l){
+					in.attrs = hd l :: in.attrs;
+				}
+				msg.attr = plumbmsg->attrs2string(in.attrs);
 		"data" =>	in.text = text; = array of byte text;
 				msg.kind = "text";