Click on the buttons to travel around during a browsing session.
Goes back to the previous page.
Goes forward one page beyond the page that you've gone back to.
Reloads the current page.
Stops loading the current page.
Returns to your home page.
The location field displays your current location on the internet. When you are accessing a web site, the location field will also include a status bar that tells you what's happening with your web site connection.
The History is a list of web sites that you have visited since you opened the browser.
To view the History touch
and then touch the desired web page to return to that page.
Bookmarks are saved URLs (web site addresses).
To save a bookmark, access the desired web page and touch
To view saved bookmarks, touch
To access a bookmark, touch
and then touch the desired bookmark to go to that page.
User Preferences allow you to make changes in how your web browser performs.
to change the User Preferences.
Check Automatically Load Images if you want images on web sites to be loaded. Enter the URL you want for your home page. Touch Ok to save the information.
Displays this help file.
Touch a down arrow to scroll down a line in a web site. Touch an up arrow to scroll up in a web site. You may also use the PgUp and PgDn keys on your keyboard to scroll a full page at a time. The Home and End keys allow you to jump to the beginning and end of a web page.