code: drawterm

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ref: 2fdbfe6dcb2ac44f65850c0a0b7486c6ffee3fd6
parent: cc706364d052347dcf45ca6dabe9a92978ad6b11
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Sun Aug 28 22:13:02 EDT 2016

libmp: remove unused mpeuclid.c

--- a/libmp/Makefile
+++ b/libmp/Makefile
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
-	mpeuclid.$O\
--- a/libmp/mpeuclid.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +1,0 @@
-#include "os.h"
-#include <mp.h>
-// extended euclid
-// For a and b it solves, d = gcd(a,b) and finds x and y s.t.
-// ax + by = d
-// Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Menezes et al, 1997, pg 67
-mpeuclid(mpint *a, mpint *b, mpint *d, mpint *x, mpint *y)
-	mpint *tmp, *x0, *x1, *x2, *y0, *y1, *y2, *q, *r;
-	assert((a->flags&b->flags) & MPnorm);
-	assert(((a->flags|b->flags|d->flags|x->flags|y->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
-	if(a->sign<0 || b->sign<0)
-		sysfatal("mpeuclid: negative arg");
-	if(mpcmp(a, b) < 0){
-		tmp = a;
-		a = b;
-		b = tmp;
-		tmp = x;
-		x = y;
-		y = tmp;
-	}
-	if(b->top == 0){
-		mpassign(a, d);
-		mpassign(mpone, x);
-		mpassign(mpzero, y);
-		return;
-	}
-	a = mpcopy(a);
-	b = mpcopy(b);
-	x0 = mpnew(0);
-	x1 = mpcopy(mpzero);
-	x2 = mpcopy(mpone);
-	y0 = mpnew(0);
-	y1 = mpcopy(mpone);
-	y2 = mpcopy(mpzero);
-	q = mpnew(0);
-	r = mpnew(0);
-	while(b->top != 0 && b->sign > 0){
-		// q = a/b
-		// r = a mod b
-		mpdiv(a, b, q, r);
-		// x0 = x2 - qx1
-		mpmul(q, x1, x0);
-		mpsub(x2, x0, x0);
-		// y0 = y2 - qy1
-		mpmul(q, y1, y0);
-		mpsub(y2, y0, y0);
-		// rotate values
-		tmp = a;
-		a = b;
-		b = r;
-		r = tmp;
-		tmp = x2;
-		x2 = x1;
-		x1 = x0;
-		x0 = tmp;
-		tmp = y2;
-		y2 = y1;
-		y1 = y0;
-		y0 = tmp;
-	}
-	mpassign(a, d);
-	mpassign(x2, x);
-	mpassign(y2, y);
-	mpfree(x0);
-	mpfree(x1);
-	mpfree(x2);
-	mpfree(y0);
-	mpfree(y1);
-	mpfree(y2);
-	mpfree(q);
-	mpfree(r);
-	mpfree(a);
-	mpfree(b);